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El Corol

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Everything posted by El Corol

  1. The night I'm on about was definately the mid to later 80's. I seem to remember it being The Magic Touch as I was a bit miffed at missing out on it, then again I also remember being, how shall I say, a little worse for wear that night!
  2. I wonder what the description will be when he auctions off one of the "far commoner 2nd run" I bet it wont contain that phrase.
  3. I remember being at one 100 club anniversary around 85 or 86 and never got a record on the night, was there an anniversary where the free 45 wasn't available on the actual night or is the memory playing up. And if I am remembering correctly then can I still claim my free single?
  4. Tenor Saw over Wayne Smith? Augustos Pablo definately.
  5. Still Waters Run Deep eh?
  6. I missed this today, but caught one before where they did a section on the 60s R & B scene at the hotel on eel pie island, and that was good too, especially as those parts of the show last only about ten minutes. Paul Martin was a pro drummer and said he worked at The Who's studio for a while. Maybe they should get the researchers from Flog It to help out on The One Show!
  7. Thanks Sweeney, that would make sense if hubs are located on mainland europe.
  8. Taking this topic slightly on a tangent but just noticed these shipping rates for a job lot from the states: Shipping to: Germany $130. Italy: $144. United Kingdom: $168. France: $144. Japan: $161. Canada: $137. Belgium $144. Australia $254 How come its cheaper to ship to Germany, France, Belgium and Italy than the UK when the UK is nearer and how come Germany is cheaper still than France, Italy and Belgium any enlightment would be appreciated
  9. I know I never came across original copies of Mel Britt in the early 80s for the kind of money stated on here. Maybe I was mixing in the wrong circles. Still got my boot/repress/2nd issue, whatever they are called these days.
  10. Interesting and understandable I suppose, territorial even and human nature!
  11. Out of interest Robb, are the Brits see as "grabby" by some collectors/dealers stateside?
  12. Sticking my neck out on here but I've never rated this song much. To me it sounds like a country record at heart (no bad thing) and can imagine a version by Conway Twitty (again no bad thing) but I've never really took to it that much, it sort of goes nowhere for me. Has anybody mentioned The Commitments version? I' ll get me coat!
  13. Backing very similar to Money.
  14. Overall I'd agree that the all in one could be a little bit "where do I start?" but did look impressive seeing all those scans together. Columns tips it as I say you can navigate using your index. On a side note I agree with your thoughts onThe Techniques Go Find Yourself a Fool. I had one tucked away and came across it a few weeks ago. Stuck it on and like you thought how have I forgot about that! Recorded to the PC then burnt to CD and been played at least once a day in the car for the past few weeks.
  15. My view is that the "all in one go" page gave you a chance to pick and delve, the column is more directive in a sense as we get led by what your last post is. To me its six of one and half dozen etc. Sometimes its nice to pick for myself, sometimes its nice to have some content presented to me. The index on the right still gives me the opportunity to navigate so overall maybe the columns. Keep up the good work Pete. Rob
  16. In fairness those are nice records for sale. His attitude towards listing a b side seems a little frustrating as I think it a resonable request. But you can't knock the music or black RCA issues.
  17. I've heard the BBC are doing the "Great British Northern Off" Week 1: Who can make the best fist and say "keep the faith" in the most soulful way. Week 2: Who can make the widest Spencers or most billowing circle skirt. Week 3: Best spinner Week 4: Who can sew the most soul patches onto their Fred Perry in 30 minutes. Week 5: Who can chew for the longest time on just one stick of gum. Week 6: Cancelled due to lack of viewers
  18. Are you on about the DB here Barry and whats the context for the quote? Thanks.
  19. Yes Pete I see what you mean. I'll give up my 30 year search for Creedance Clearwater Revival White and Red demos now then
  20. Well that answers that then. Though wouldn't it be nice for one to turn up now
  21. I've never seen a white and red UK Liberty Demo of Timi Yuro INBOFM. Are there many of those about?
  22. So how come Stateside could re-issue Darrell Banks in 1969. Would Stateside still have held the rights from the 1966 release? Could they have had the rights for a set amount of time?
  23. So is that official Pete, that 10K has already been offered for it?
  24. Well it would be good to hear the full story in Record Collector, unless NickW would care to give Soul Source a fuller acount beforehand? Also, if Nick sells this at Auction it could it end up - dare i even say this, overseas! Probably doubtful but you never know. I think a British label rarity should stay in Britain. I am therefore setting up a fund to enable me to buy this 45 if it comes to auction for the express purpose of keeping this British rarity in Great Britain. I am of course doing this for all the soulies and London label collectors of Gt Britain and intend to tour it round allnighters/soul nights/record fairs and local museums the length and breadth of Britain. All donations gratefully received and accepted as "gift on Paypal. Just contact through here and I'll send you my email address.

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