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El Corol

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Everything posted by El Corol

  1. Not disagreeing with you regarding dancers reaction, and when I say second division that doesn't mean I don't like it, however I rate some sounds above it and certainley wouldn't pay £673 for it.
  2. Huns Review in my opinion is a second division sound. But hey thats taste.
  3. This site crashes my Samsung tablet a lot of the time but I have no problem with Youtube clips on Sales,.........from what people are saying it seems thats more a problem for iphone/ipad users. Serves em right for trying to be trendy f*#* kers.
  4. After a nice clean copy on RCA if anyone has one please PM Thanks Rob
  5. The positives of JM's auctions seem to be the seller and JM's bank balances are improved, the winning bidder gets what they wanted, others who own a copy of a record that sells for more than usual get to feel good they own a copy and people on here get to debate the results. The negatives seem to be some find they previously sold a record for far less, some find they own a bootleg, some may never now get to own a copy due to a price hike, others wishing they'd have bought a copy when they had a chance and people on here get to debate the results.
  6. Nothing like starting the new year with a good ole moan is there.
  7. He played it at a Hinkley Leisure Centre allnighter, was original poster attending those at the time?
  8. Blimey, thats put me off me tea! :-)
  9. So whats the story here?
  10. Now, now Floyd, are you sure you never bought it? :-)
  11. Two sounds I remember from Mr M's: Don Covay - It's Better to Have Lee Dorsey - Ride Your Pony
  12. Candy and the Kisses - The 81 is pretty much a direct rehash of Martha Reeves and the Vandellas - In My Lonely Room. Vandellas released March 64, Candy and the Kisses Oct 64.
  13. Dance Little Girl by Clay Hammond also has the "Needles and Pins" riff. Howard Tate - You're Lookin'Good. The middle eight is lifted from Percy Faith - Theme from a Summer Place.
  14. File with The Who Who song to dance to, but what a fecking record Do It is!
  15. Fantastic Johnny C - Don't Depend on Me
  16. I remember this track from around this time (late 80s). It always seemed to turn up on a lot of tapes.
  17. Hang on, so are you saying someone at Wigan wearing Spencers in 80, 81 is a diehard and everyone else was a tourist? Thats a pretty strong statement! Weren't people allowed to move on fashionwise without losing their true soulie status? And how come the music is allowed to move on via "King Richerd and the Staffs boys........" but not the clothes? No-one wore Spencers at Stafford that I ever saw so was everyone there a tourist. I never saw King Richard sport Spencers at Wigan in my time there. And if its only punters/dancers you refer to then I'm pretty certain Jethro fom Wolve's weren't wearing them in 1980 either.
  18. Am I remembering this correctly but was The River is Wide by The Forum on Mira, played at Wigan or did I imagine it?
  19. That seems to make sense as i was at the 19/9 night and my memory says it was more packed than in the photo's. It does look about the size of a good Saturday night crowd at that time.
  20. A full leather in 81, thats more outrageous than being shirtlifted on stage.
  21. Blimey! On the subject of this re-issue mines pressed slightly of centre if my memory serves me correct (the vinyl not the label) is anyone elses like that?
  22. Its been so long I've forgotten what the forgotten monsters were?
  23. The Holidays - Makin Up Time Peter Hamilton Generation - Hey Girl
  24. Unbelievable! Who was right? Deon Jackson singing Love Makes the World Go Round or Liza Minnelli and Joel Grey singing Money Makes the World Go Round? Both probably!
  25. Which three Pete, the last three?

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