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El Corol

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Everything posted by El Corol

  1. I never said he should have been working on Boxing Day, just making an observation that if people are receiving orders placed after the 26th then obviously it’s not strictly working in chronological order. Have a happy New Year.
  2. Can’t be doing them in chronological order, my order was on 26th and I’ve not heard anything.
  3. Sad news, but what a recording legacy he has left behind.
  4. I use adaptors made from the plastic tri-leg centres. I file the hole out larger to be able to move the record into the correct position to play properly (similar to the video above). I then drill out another piece of plastic and glue into position to make the hole “normal’ size again (see pics below)I then just leave the centre in for ease of use. You need to make sure you place the centre in with the legs in the same place while you’re enlarging the hole for ease and finding the correct play position. A bit of a faff, but once it’s done, it’s done.
  5. The Friendly People - I Ain’t Got Nothin’ But The Blues - Lovely EX condition £250 + £8 Special Delivery (PayPal f&f or Bank Transfer) UK only PM if interested.
  6. An obvious one, but come on how good does this still sound.
  7. Bruce announces the LP here; Sounds like marketing. I suspect this was one of many tracks considered, probably used as something that’s not as well known as most of the tracks (by most people or mainly Springsteen fans)? Who knows and frankly these days who cares.
  8. I’m not one to make this sort of claim usually, but Edwins and Blinkys version of Ooh Baby Baby is the best version out there.
  9. Was that the “Independent Jamaica” LP? where it’s credited to The Maytals, which as I understand is really Phillip James version slowed/ pitched down slightly? Or is it another LP?
  10. Vs the original release in terms of cost. https://www.discogs.com/sell/release/2510289?ev=rb But it comes back to format. The Northern Scene has always been skewed towards singles with some exceptions, nowadays the LP tracks if popular end up being reissued as singles and end up more expensive than the original Lp’s in a lot of cases, as above. I get the argument that DJs prefer to carry/cue/play singles but for non DJ collectors why she’ll out the xtra? Though now I can’t square the argument as I buy released singles and not the LPs in the majority of cases when buying originals. I guess we all have our cut off point and with some that cut off point is further than mine. I agree with the above point of the scene being deprived of great sounds because of format, that is self defeating.
  11. Ringo Starr on drums for those that like trivia.
  12. My take on that is; 221.77 was that bidders max bid. The person who won it put a snipe in for whatever amount? But at least 331.98. I’m assuming 321.98 was your max bid. I would guess that the max bidders snipe going in at just 1 second before you would have taken him to 231.77 and the highest bid, but then your bid went in (pretty much at the same time) and because they had a higher max bid than your max bid the bidding went straight to your max bid and then him one increment above you. That would account for the large bid increment because it sounds to me that you and the high bidder were in a two person final bid shoot out. I hope that makes sense.
  13. Thanks for the replies. 7inch is my preference.
  14. Despite it having a label showing the original b side, it does play James Bounty on the b side.
  15. Anyone looking to sell Eric & the Vikings - Hurting - Kool Kat? Will consider red or black vinyl, EX or better please. Pm
  16. Anyone got a Jim Webb I Need You they want to sell. Issue or demo on Epic. Ex or better. I've seen the Discogs ones. Please PM
  17. If you didn’t know there is one in Tim Browns auction that finishes tomorrow (17th).
  18. Good work Paul. I can see a whole series here, Torch, Wheel, Wigan, Cleethorpes, Stafford, Va Va’ etc etc. You might be busy with commissions. Looking forward to seeing the finished item.
  19. Thats £14.75 too much.
  20. What an annoying record.
  21. I can’t find mention of this on Soul Source (did I miss it?) but R Dean Taylor passed away on the 7th Jan. the monster
  22. Sad to hear. I always thought he had a great voice and those Musicor sides are so good. RIP
  23. Ok, didn’t listen to the OP video of Little Anthony due to being so familiar with it, but just listened to it and it sounds to me either a slightly different mix or slowed down version of the DCP release. This is the one I’m familiar with.
  24. Brilliant song. I found a copy of Little Anthony in a joke shop (off all places) when first getting into soul. Bought it blind and have loved it ever since. So obviously Little Anthony for me, but not forgetting Teddy Randazzo’s production on it.
  25. Jive Talkin' at wigan casino…….. ”you’re telling me lies”

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