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Everything posted by Soulof

  1. Maybe old stuff ? havent seen video myself before https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=I54DgVennXU
  2. Hi, Is this getting spins ? If not time for reactivation ? https://youtube.com/watch?v=aLdcPoVW2Zk
  3. X Hi Sharon hope all well over there. he he hmm can you not overdo northern soul ?? its just too good . Had good nights every weekend when I was over and missing them a lot. Very right what you say above. A bit more than 2, 3 times a year though . at least once a month in Gothenburg I´m soon starting a work ( RIP Freedom, Hello Prostitution ) that will give me the chance to travel more as I´m off for 6 days in a row every 2nd week incl weekend so hope to get some sprung wooden soon
  4. Soulof

    Ricky Allen

    many thanks Jason grt grt track. think this could work more than fine on a big NS floor as well me. its a winner !
  5. Soulof

    Ricky Allen

    Is there any chance of a soundfile or mp3 of the Tamboo version pls ?? only heard it once at Steve Catos Inner City Sunday club a few months ago (think his name is George that played it played a lot of grt stuff) and thought it sounded abs brilliant. yepp def got a little dissapointed when the Age one proved to be the wrong one .
  6. Soulof

    Ricky Allen

    have to admit I bought the Age one by mistake a few months ago thinking it was the "right" Tamboo one. guess its easy to mix them up and Age one isn´t as good and thats what meant by dodgy ??
  7. agree abs brilliant should get played much more me thinks. Sorry what is that flag on your avatar looks close to the Swedish ??
  8. Upps he he thanks for telling me. Must start supporting READING maybe ??
  9. Hi Seb hope all well down south. you have come to the rescue a lot of times do you have a soundfile for this or anyone else pls ?? I love the You got me one. is this the same artist that did the grt grt someth. of value btw ?? Any known story why it shares the same backing as ZZ Hills Don´t make promises ??
  10. I feel like ending it all when 'Right track' comes on, what a boring overplayed plodder of a record ...not that you really hear it anymore that is, thank God. Ste. X I love Right track me. abs brill track. Guess you´ve heard it a few times more out than me though... Joanne Courcey is one I need to rest from a bit
  11. just got another Eddie Bo - Fence of love Seven B. Love that track. Not sure if its good to play out its quiet messy (in a good way) anyone tried it out? Craig Moerer has one of these for the good price of $75 btw Don´t think Ive heard that Pat Brown anyone with a soundfile ??
  12. Hi, some for sale here. prices in £ and normal freight incl all Europe. paypal or registered send cash pls just pm me or mail me at: olof_wigan_soul@hotmail.com - Roy Wright - Hook line and sinker / James Robbins - I can´t please you Ex/Ex+ Mica 70 (often seen around 100 ) Jimmy Lewis - What can I do now ERA DJ Ex+/m- small laber wear 40 ( big ones take 75) Spencer - Searchin for love Midtown wd Ex+/m- 30 ( quite a few spins lately, grt dancer and seen for more) Doris Duke - Gongr. baby RRG Ex+/M- 10 (grt cheapie soundclip avail. at JM´s site ) thanks for looking // Olof
  13. - Been sounding abs brilliant at Burnley the times I´ve been there this spring. grt track !
  14. Mr Cato played me the b-side to one of these releases I really liked. I maybe remember wrong that it was one of the Chosen Few releases that also had a grt dancer as a b-side or was it the above one ??
  15. ha ha !! missing you all loads don´t worry Sharon Hope all well with you and your familly
  16. * know where you coming from Christian. You´ve answered a few times too many beer isnt £5-6 here anymore and want to make a statment. But its not true most things are cheaper its all depending what it is and where you are. Comparing Manchester and Gothenburg A work lunch hours 11-15 is cheaper here but in the evenings quite the same. Beer at a pub much cheaper in M-chester. If you go my fav pub in Manchester (or Salford if you´re in that mood) Mulvaneys its £1.50 for a grt ale that should have been £4 here. If you´re lucky the guy or the grt old lady behind the bar hasn´t got the beer tap going yet and you get some cans for free Lager on the other hand (even though its not the worlds best here) is often cheaper or the same here. just avoid the tourist traps. Ciggarettes much cheaper Gothenburg. around £3+ a package Buying your own food. Mighty mighty ASDA is dead cheap. Don´t think you can find anyth near it here. Clothes, travelling quiet the same me thinks. Just a few things. its not that far from each other but would anyway say a £20 last a bit longer in Manchester than Gothenburg. Its not that bad pricewise here as its reputation that must come from the 80´s.
  17. x IMO Eddie Parker still is the best track ever made. Its maybe a safe and boring opinion but still sound so powerful. If you tired of it just rest it for a while and put it on again and its magic again. without it could have liked Billys version (that fuzzy organ destroys a bit though me thinks) now its hard. No shadow should fall over Billy its not bad being beaten by the best. Prefer the Hesitations - thats what love is before Sha-rae. Any other versions with same backing ??
  18. Eddie Parker avoiding the Tax Man or What? X Quiet sure this is not the case. Diff voices I think
  19. the soul scene is a myth,well the "get along with everyone bit", just as in real life there's scum ,and there's good people. Cos your'e dancing alongside someone feeling a toon for 3 minutes,don't make them your best mate. Here's a novel idea,try to get to know em first .If you went to the pub,you wouldn't expect to be bosom buddies with all in there........... would you??
  20. have to correct myself here. What got me into the music was the music itself made by genius musicians. What got me into the scene was the passion and fanatic side of the soulfans. Peewww
  21. It's a social life, a hobby, a choice, no one is forced to love soul music or stay on the soul scene so lets not take it too seriously.. when we dont enjoy it, its time to do something different. x Hmm have to disagree here personally. Its def more than a hobby. And what is too seriously? For many this is the main interest so course people take it seriously either its collecting, dancing or whatever. Its def this fanatic part that got me into the music and scene. Agree with your last line though

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