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Big Mick

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About Big Mick

  • Birthday 31/05/1872

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    my family, looking after my family, nature, relaxation, studying and practicing witchcraft, my animals, meditating, tarot, trying to exist......
  • Top Soul Sound
    Ernie the fastest mikman in the west - Benny Hill

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  1. I have a suitcase of mainly 70s Blues & Soul... also copies of various soul magazines and odds and ends from the 80s.. 90s and early 2000s. Most are ok but theres a few rough editions.. I live near Bolton.. if interested drop me a line come look and if they are any good to you make me an offer... Big Mick, fat boy on tour. mikeowens4@msn.com
  2. Just learned today that disco DJ and one of the founder members of the Blackpool Casino Soul Club back in the 70s has passed away suddenly at his Yorkshire home... Zaney DJ Gary Wild best known for his resident spot in Diamond Lils on the Pleasure Beach was at home with family. Along with the late Baz Stanton and fellow DJ Poth.. Gary opened up the Blackpool Casino Soul Club in the Pleasure Beach building opposite the Noahs Ark attraction back around 1975... Along with the Mecca.. Lemon Tree and Lytham Football Cub soul nights Blackpool Casino was instremental in bringing Northen Soul to many of us who lived in and arround the Fylde area. Condolences go out to Garys family... To the soul crowd in Blackpool in the 70s Gary was a legend an a loveable character.... R.I.P. GARY WILD (aka Barry Johnston).
  3. great times great memories... the best for me was the rehersal of Eddie Holman and the interview i did for the magazine.. the guy was a pure gem... the bar-b-ques and charity venues and everyone concerned made Lowton the success it was. Thankyou Kev and Julie and the rest of the crowd... Big Mick
  4. Richard has ALWAYS been a gentleman and very professional in everything he undertakes. I have had a couple of opportunities to be on his radio show and many more visits to the studio when the Sunday shows were in full swing and made umpteen cups of tea/coffee for all parking their arses and Richards' 'guests' in the studio. It will be a damn shame if Jazz fm closed the door on his shows, and changing from Sunday to Saturday night was not a good move. The controller for Jazz fm must be a moron... Richard will be ok, he doesn't need Jazz fm But Jazz fm are loosing a very talented radio show host and it will be their loss... sod 'em.. BIG MICK
  5. same to you Davey boy.... all the best.... Big Mick
  6. one last point before I go oft and stick my head down the toilet.... I want it on record (whatever the label) that I think that there Dave Rimmer geezer is a hellova fine guy.. he's been put down somewhat on here over the last day or so and unduely too.. please stick to the topic of conversation... respectfully, to everyone on this forum...BIG MICK....
  7. in the nude she did a good inpersonation of a spider..........
  8. brains and beauty......
  9. by the great Godess, you must be related to my ex-wife.... can you drag your tits too ...?
  10. Thing is though... would you get a plumber making a film about cooking in a top notch resturaunt or a political activist / suicide bomber maiking a film on the Nobel Peace Prize...? So why are some usless tossers who think 'Duffy' is the epitome of northern soul doing a film about something as sensative as Wigan Casino.... Did their mam sing 'love bandit' or some other light ditty to them as she rocked them to sleep before dropping them on their heads.... Hang on though... just had a thought thingie... wouldn't all this debate and bitching just create more interest for the film.. and wouldn't it make more money for the backers.... jeeze me finks we shud just ignore the whole fing and pretend it doesn't exist......
  11. Jeeze... look at all the dust in the air...... reckon it's coming off all the handbags being pulled out storage... Grab yer tin hats and dive for cover... he he he he
  12. I refer to the one they're shooting about Wigan Casino.... isn't what this discussion is all about...? If I'm on the wrong track then please accept my appologises... I'll just blame it on old age... BIG MICK
  13. Steve Penn at Wigan Town Hall is unofficially quoted as saying that Russ Winstanley is the main point of contact for the production company, suggest someone should ask him....
  14. Damn interesting point..... lots of credability in that one..

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