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Everything posted by spike1

  1. Travel could be a problem But hotels are cheap Xmas day Where would you have the event??
  2. Are they silver or gold?? Painted ours blue n White = spire-ite ;)
  3. Did the twisted wheel ever exist?
  4. Some great insight buy you guys! As the album cost me one whole English pound your feedback has made this purchase well worth my investment It's great to tap into other people's thoughts and knowledge Thank you SpIke
  5. Thanks for the feedback folks very interesting does anyone know which club it was recorded at? Seen some old footage of geno think it was on soul brittainia? Singing" no one knows like i do" they looked and sounded awesome
  6. Just picked up a 1967 live album Hipsters, flipsters, finger-poppin' daddies Geno washington and the ram jam band live NLP 380 32 Piccadilly Anyone heard this before ?? Spike __________________
  7. Yes it was on the corner I think? Derrick ran the record centre next door but one to linns flower box owned by Neil St John (noddy) from Rotherham I think As Kids in 75/6 we used to "work" in the record shop (it was better than school!) Fridays Saturday's and Sunday's were very interesting with all these strange guys with long leather coats sunglasses (even in the dark) chewing like mad, dancing, talking about sammys Cleethorps Wigan ect No wonder I ended up a naughty soul boy !!
  8. Ah ah thought you were on about chapel walk in Sheffield!!! That shop next to the Rutland was called something like jeanius???? In the seventies yes they sold jeans!! Next door to Lynne flower box ( Lynne is derrick Fantom's wife)
  9. Lack of facial hair ? As opposed to lack of any hair???? ;) And that hair we have is tinged with cemetry blossom !! (that's the grey bits) or silver highlights we could call them:)
  10. Instrumentals Little queenie bill black Sea cruise ace cannon Rat race righteous Bros The kid. Andre brassuer Sock it to em j b. Sandy nelson
  11. Great photo mate !!!! What's the date on the sexy rexy one??? Spike
  12. Mr six togs sorsbry street don't know who owned it but it was "managed " by a guy called johnny Moore from grangewood he's about 5 years older than me old skinhead mod soul boy Proper character one of arthur dudlys mates That shop with the spiral staircase did it sell more today than yesterday?? ;)
  13. Think there's a secondhand shop & a tailors down chapel walk now chalky there was a shop called stone-dri on Chesterfield high street got a beige gabberdene full length mac from there in 1976 went to my first nighter at sammys in it What a twat I looked!! Cos my two mates also had the same coat looked like the three stooges!!! Happy days;)
  14. True but you had to be in that small noisey room to apreciate the atmosphre of mr m's Loved the big floor but worshiped m's Spike
  15. One that sticks in my mind late 76 early 77 was " barbecue " Quite a silly tune really) was it a commercial for an American food chain?) But it had a thumping beat and at 3am in m's it used to pack the floor Ps what is your radio station called??? Spike
  16. Gotta agree mate! I had one pair of stack heels from stead n Simpson ? I wore them about twice orrrribull!!!
  17. Circa 73-4 I seem to remember Sheffield lads spray painting your doc marts either silver or gold?? Was it a football thing???? Spike
  18. We also had a kendrick fieldsend in Chesterfield on the high street and I think that there was a shop just called fieldsends across from the market hall in Chesterfield ???? Not only did they sell clothes but also if I remember correctly it was a jewlers/ pawn shop ????? Used to go to Sheffield as a young kid circa 1971/2 now the memory is playing up! What was the clothes shop across from the castle market called? I thought that sexy rexy was on the moor?? Was there a shop called tramps????! Help Spike
  19. Thanx to all the moderators and administrators must be a he'll of a job sorting out all us squabbling kidz!! Great forum we don't always agree on things (or is that we never agree) But remember if you cant argue you usually end up falling out with each other Keep on keeping on Spike
  20. Well said Irish !!!!!! (i feel like I could do with a "lift" This morning!!!) Suppose that's what happens when you try and keep up with these young uns!!!! Ktf
  21. Twisted wheel last night (26th august) four younger people came ip from london 3 girls 1 guy They looked really smart and alll of them were good dancers they were made to feel welcome by us crinklies think and hope that they had a really good time said that they hope to come to the next Sunday session would love some feedback from them on here So like I said in an earlier reply ignore the stupid bigots who basically think that you have to have been into the soul scene for 45 years keep going to soul nights cos without you younger guys the scene will wither and die! Spike (52 year old and feeling it this morning )
  22. Get lots of younger people at the wheel theyre always made to feel welcome by us oldies! The last Friday do in July an 18year d couple were at their first ever soul night they could not beleive all those 50 + bopping the night away After a couple of beers they were up on the floor until the place closed They loved it even though the wheel plays just oldies I suppose that all the tunes were new to these guys Go to different venues if you love the music there's only a small minority that arnt welcoming!! Ktf Spike
  23. Lots o wheel tunes on these lists!!!!
  24. Yes when I saw him last year the first time in 30 years! I wanted to weep he did!! Got those old legs on the dance floor still class Used to love watching Mona dance to move on up Curtis mayfield His feet moved slowly to the beat hands and body keeping in time with the bongos Sheer class

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