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Everything posted by spike1

  1. My wife prefers 12" evrytime But she has to make do with 7" (oops wrong site )
  2. like the sound of this stuff chalky
  3. No it will not Think you'll find that some one has set up a company called "the twisted wheel ltd" Name for new club "skullsnap" ?
  4. Mmm sounds a bit late kinks psycodelic stuff to n me Just that I've never in 43 years of listening to soul music heard the term 6ts gsrage Learn somethink new everyday ;)
  5. Bit off of topic but what is or was 6ts garage? Never heard that term before Could you give me a couple of examples? Good luck with your club naming search How about soul quest ? ;) Spike
  6. One of my favourite etta James tracks when this gets played at the twisted wheel I just get lost on the dance floor! This is a really good rendition great vocals and good backing You say this was filmed in Toronto ? With the bare brickwork at the back of the stage it reminds me of a certain club. On whitworth street Manchester Would love to see this group down at the wheel Spike
  7. If you read this thread you will realise that it's not gone pear shaped for the wheel this time next year it will sadly be GONE the currant lease runs out in December The campaign at the moment whilst still working to keeping the wheel st whitworth street is now focusing on saving the fixtures and fittings of the Origanal stage room so it can be reconstructed elsewhere Again big thanks to all those people who have put so much effort into this cause Ktf spike
  8. Gets played at the wheel one of Pete Roberts favourite spins And I play it in the car alot
  9. Those that I know are "plucked " from the "scene " Dint know any actors just a few young people who I talk to st the wheel ;)
  10. And where do you think most of the dancers have Come from ? There are some pro dances and actors on there But the film maker has gone to the young northern soul scene to try and recreate the feel of the seventies from what I can see it looks quite good As has been discussed on here before I would be stupid to use us old timers
  11. I can only comment on the people I see in Manchester at the wheel twice a month they tell me that there's a thriving younger soul scene intje north west They seem to like oldies I don't know what it's like in the rest of the. Country??? I can only go on pictures YouTube and. comments on here It would be great to hear views from some of the more progressive clubs promotors ect
  12. Well eff me someon has put a video on whilst i was posting ! with the some of the very people I was on about Me thinks it looks good
  13. There's a whole group of younger folk who go to loads of venues in the north west they even have Thier own night in Manchester blackbees soul club When I get talking to them they are very knowledgeable about the scene lots of them are dancing in the new northern soul film don't think that they go with mam n dad As to wether These people represent the trends of the rest of youth culture I very much doubt it some The kids I teach dress in Fred Perrygear smart jumpers cardigans smart shoes ect When I ask them why they dress that way and what sort of music theyre into The term northern soul is very seldom heard! If the term northern soul is used it cod encompass early r n b to upfront rare modern soul and everything inbetween as the man said above if you like it dance to it buy it play it if not find a place where they play the stuff you like Live n let live
  14. Secret agents ??? By the ???
  15. Can't remember the name but can remember them playing lots of pop roxy music ect think it wAs just somewhere to go before getting the bus
  16. Now that we've got all you mancs in the memory mode In 1976 Used to get to chorlton road bus station about 7.30 Saturday nights meet up with the Yorkshire crowd and a few Mancs make are way to Victoria to get the bus or train to Wigan Called in a few pubs before going to get the bus to Wigan Up near the arndale we used to call in a pub/club think it was downstairs and was decorated purple velvet cant remember what it was called anyone??? Spike
  17. Well it's a shame that if you have nothing positive or constructive to add to the discussion that you do not go and watch third rate spurs more often and keep off of here Spike
  18. Ahhemmm It says they want 16-20 something's not olde worlde crinkles like us:)
  19. Sorry about that mike Was late when I read the post on Facebook Just wanted to share the news
  20. Visit save the twisted wheel Facebook page to read new developement re the wheel Well done Pete Roberts John green and Gerry Think you've managed to get the best result possible Spike
  21. Well said that man! These people are genuine soulies who love the scene I will get over to the black bee soul club if it kills me;)
  22. I did mean to include the girls when I said guys;) Hope this film is a great success And it inspires young and old into the scene And I mean all aspects of the scene New old upfront just the scene Ssssspikeeeee Shown the footage to some of the kids I teach to drive couple of them are dance instructors they cannot beleive theIr eyes
  23. Some of the guys who are dancing in the film come to the wheel Really good dancers and top guys to talk to hope this thing is a great success Would love to be an extra but at 53 think I'll leave it to these young guns ;) Spikeeee
  24. Looks like the twisted wheel will close this year Announcement made last night at the 12rh anniversary of it re-opening

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