Just found this on my old messages
Did anyone else respond to this ?
What happened to the answers that we gave ?
Steven pike
2,married For 30 years this September we met when I was going to allnighters and still go to the twisted wheel soul sessions
3, yes both grown up and left home
4, what attracted me to the scene?
As i have an older sister by 4years, Circa 1969/70 she hung out with the local crowd who were either older guys mods or 16/18 year olds who were skinheads.
To a young impressionable 11/12 year old these were THE GUYS!
The clothes the look the music the way they danced at the youth club.
They got all the girls they stood out that is what I wanted to be.
We tried to copy their style short hair boots,bracers ,Ben shermans . I used to borrow my sisters Fred perry and her sta-press
The music was either Motown or ska
to us.
never heard the term northern soul till much later when I did I thought that it meant music from north America !!!!
5, the style the music the dancing
Being different bring part of an underground scene
6,belonging to an elite group (everyone else was a div)
We were the best dancers
Smartest dressed
The mellow fellows!
We travelled the country every weekend met new people made life long friends
7, in some ways yes
8, dress style dance style music taste
9, now like to dress more mod/skinhead style rather than the baggies still wear perry polo shirts for dancing though
10, I do not feel part of "the scene" because I only regularly attend one venue twisted wheel Manchester
By the nature of the clubs music policy only records that were played at the Origanal wheel are played.
I do not feel part of the soul scene as a whole just a part of it
11, yes from 1976-80
12, Samantha's
Plus alldayers
Notts pally
Matlock bath
Bailies Sheffield
Abbydale road Sheffield
13, yes twisted wheel Manchester for the last 4 years
14 n/a
15, mmmm
Danced danced danced buzzin like a bee
16, dance dance dance then rest rest rest no buzzin!
get as many as you could allegedly
Oooh say Nothing that I would later rely in in a court of law
19, totally against all drug abuse as I am now older and wiser
But it has always happened since the late 1950s
Youth culture will always try it it's a killer and wrecker of life's but you only usually find out the hard way
People of my age should know better!
21, an old soulie yes
Part of the new post Wigan scene no
Cos I stopped going in 1980
So I do not have any empathy with the modern upfront soul scene
And I often meet people who invent their past to look good?
Me I'm just passing through
Keep the faith
Hope that this is helpful in your quest for knowledge
Get down to the wheel ask for spike
(that's me)
And I will introduce you to some real old soulies guys who went in the sixties