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Everything posted by spike1

  1. An enigma??
  2. Just because your paranoid don't mean that they arent out to get you!!
  3. Totally agree malc Everyone is entitled to there opinion But when it on a factual documentary no matter how wrong or unfair the comment is it carries a lot if weight and to those who wernt there it becomes fact Glad we and thousands of other soulies know different! Got to agree with someone earlier what a t**t "spike"
  4. The jazzy b clip is on soulbritainia don't know if it part one or two though "I went up north there aint a black guy in in sight! Yer know thinking back it's a good job I didn't get into those clubs " Has anyone seen part three of soulbritainia ? Because I saw it advertised andmissed it "spike"
  5. If memory serves me !! The beachcomber was just behind that White car in the above picture Think the small dance floor had raised seating to one side ??? Or thus could have been the stage props someone mentioned ??? Only went in a couple of times then it flooded after that they opened mr m's after the nighter Always felt a bit of an anti climax? When we got are own transport I think we just used to take off home straight away! Can't remember any other 7ts nighters having after the main event rooms though? Perhaps someone could tell me different "spike. "
  6. I joined as a member of Wigan in 1975 just before I was 16 Blues & soul application form false date of birth and here's one for the teenages of today a stamped addressed envolope containing a. POSTAL ORDER !!!? Can't remember if it cost 50p or £1???? Think that was a yellow one?? As for ttrouble inside wigan we once went in mr m's for a beer about 10pm (it was a disco nightclub style thing before the nighter opened Went to the toilet and walked in on someone pointing a knife at this guy demanding his gear and money I went in to shock unintentionally distracted the knife man this other guy dropped him whilst he was looking at me just walking in we both then did a runner went. Down to the cafe (I was still shaking) this guy then told all his mates that I'd helped out!! These lads were from Salford I think a bit older than me aid that they would "look after" me and my mates whenever we went Wigan Never saw anyone jump off the balcony !!! But once whilst watching Julie bebb in one of the heats of the 77 dance comp a lad called vinny of layland was stood on a chair at the back of the balcony started cheering and clapping when julies name was called out he lost his balance and I grbbed his trousers belt and managed to stop him from falling As fo drugs busts?????? Can remember a couple of times about 6am the squad comming in lights went on and they just walked about staring at the punters scary !! " spike"
  7. (pressed wrong button) One morning the beachcomber flooded after that we used to go in mr m's this was late 76-early77 Just some ramblings of an old soulie "spike"
  8. The journey there n back when I first went Wigan Aprox 140 miles round trip 5pm bus to Manchester from chestrfield Walkmfrom Piccadilly to Victoria Catch bus to Wigan I think it cost 4pence to travel anywhere in greater manchester before 8pm if you were under 16 ??? Sunday morning train back to victoria Bus from shorten street to Chesterfield think we used to get back in town about 12.30 Pubs closed at 2pm So a quick couple of beers Home crash out Do It all again next week Things improved when we got cars and hired coaches As the casino shut at 8am and the was above an hour before the train at first they used to open the beach comber
  9. You mean that train to Manchester change at Bolton sprint from up and down the stairs to get the connection back to Victoria ?? Bet the locals thought we were crazy !!! "spike"
  10. Sorry that should have read vernon think he was from Bradford but I'm not sure ??
  11. Does the word modern mean new? Therefore it must be something now ?
  12. Jethro Wolverhampton Sandy holt Bolton Vinnie Bradford ??? Think these fantastic dancers won Wigan
  13. If you can do maths Wigan 73-81 Wheel 63-71 ??? 8 years ??
  14. Why did the casino last so long? Why did it out last other soul clubs? 1973-81 Twisted wheel 1963 -71 ? I grew up at the casino 76-80 for the first couple of years rarely missed a nighter including once a month oldies nighters (only one I missed on purpose was the filming of this England too many divs I don't think that the people who attended allnighters put much into the local economy most used to turn up about an hour before opening most pubs were shut by then can't remember many eating a meal in a restraunt either ! The bouncers and squad were rearly harsh with the run of the mill pill heads ( roll you and sell it again after a bit of a kicking ) The main dealers must have had some kind of influence with the local council / plod otherwise they would have closed it way before they did Perhaps as someone has said 8 years a new generation is comming through we were all getting married+kids leaving it behind (for afew years!) So perhaps it had run it's course?? Spike....e
  15. Think I can remember 100 lbs of pain ??? Reaching for the very best exciters !? And i know it was a oldie at the time but Joe tex show me was massive on the big floor
  16. Pete Roberts John green Jock heron Thanx for re-opening the twisted wheel
  17. If anyone anywhere plays can't satisfy by Curtis and the impresions I will dance to it!! In fact I'm gonna put it on and dance to it right now in my kitchen !! Spike
  18. I'll be there grogger monroes pub@2 just ask about and we can have a talk before dancin the afternoon away Spike
  19. What was the reception he got malc? Was this before flasher was on general release and it was still being played everywhere =good reception Or was it when it had been overplayed out on general release and being played at every div night club up and down the land?=poor reception Spike
  20. One my mates who has sadly just passed away told us that in the early 7ts he put some phet powder in the tea urn on the night shift at the foundry where he worked!! Better than sugar to boost yer energy levels!!!
  21. I'm afraid you've got the wrong spike Mick h !! I never lived in Nottingham spent quite a few happy hours there though !! Back in the mid 7ts Most memorable when the squad raided this guys house on Sunday morning think we'd been to either coaville or peterbourgh allnighter what sticks in my mind was this lads mum came running in and punched her son and knocked him out We did a Runner 5 of us in a mini and got back to chesterfield in about 25 mins !!!!! Y mind is this lads
  22. Now I've got thinking did the palais sometimes do a bank holiday weekender ??? Or am I completely wrong????

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