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Everything posted by spike1

  1. Inky was defo. Running in 76/78 cos I used to go every week Think (but not sure) Mick Goodwin dj'd there?? The place used to get packed we used to catch the bus from Chesterfield and I can recall most of the top deck full of soulies. Then there was all the local guys from inky,stavely,middlecroft,brimm ect. Can also remember friends off the Soulscene from notts,Mansfield derby Matlock Sheffield coming occasionallly! Bons Main miners welfare at temple Norman ton was also a top midweek soul venue similar sort of crowd Tuesday nights if I remember mona Gray weaver Janice weaver rob salway n Julie doz Chris n Andy Hewitt jez murry the Ellis brothers sue Morris sue Tilly god the list is endless Even remember the best dancer I've ever seen going a couple of times gethro from Wolverhampton great times !! I drive past bons most days it's an housing estate now! Also drive past inky club about once a week looks like it's going the same way. ;( If anyone has any pics would be great Spike
  2. Yes same here ! You've just jogged my memory circa 79 whilst going to work on the 5.30am bus fell to sleep with a lit cigarette in my hand dropped the thing on my trousers which were a pair of "bottle green baggies" and melted a masive hole in them and my leg!! (musta been a good weekend)
  3. And the baggy pants current revisionists should take note that even by then there was very little visibility of "the uniform"
  4. Great to have you on sousource Hope you enjoy yourself Love you baby;)
  5. I thought soul dancing was about being in the groove! Seems like it's just a series of planned (well executed) spins back drops splits ect! Is this what the scene is all about now plan B ? Wish these people who make these films would visit some real live kicking venues wether it be oldies modern crossover and get to talk to some people who did it back in the 6ts7ts8ts 9ts and are still doing it!
  6. Mmmm what's all this about then????
  7. Got to agree there mate 1976 was my first nighter and it was at sammys which was in Yorkshire just over the border from the socialist republic of north east Derbyshire and it was there that I first saw and then tried to copy the shuffling style to tunes like summer in the parks, the flasher!!! The bottle, contact (3degrees) and many more think the fast on the spot shuffling style was adopted to suit the small packed dancefloor ?? When I went Wigan later that year bigger dancefloor gave us more room so a mire expansive style developed think that us what is on the clip stomping or shuffling? Who knows it's good though! Ian hope you did not mind me using the YouTube clip just thought it could show the starter of this topic how it used to be Ktf spike
  8. Will find out if it was a wheel tune or not but as the guy who has done the YouTube has started it with a torch badge perhaps that's where it was first spun? Then like sonmany others fell out of favour with d jays only got played a couPle of times at Wigan then got rediscovered by you guys in the 8ts ?? Great old sounding soul tune that I can't remember back in the 7ts at Wigan good thread!!
  9. Is this the one? Sounds like an old wheel tune to me but I could be wrong Malc burton will know for sure
  10. My first TRIP to Wigan End of march 76 been going to sammys for about 10 -11 weeks still at school but already on the slippery slope of the soulscene ie gear and doing any type of work to pay for my new lifestyle! At this point myself and two brothers who at that time my best mates had only dabbled with powder. Heard lots of things about bombers green n clears blues ect but never had any. We decided Wigan was our next venue THE CASINO! We planned to catch the 6pm bus with the rest of the Chesterfield soul crew to get to Manchester then on to Wigan,one of the brothers had been searching through his mums bathroom cabinet (cos we'd been told that lots of mums had chalkies and bombers for slimming!) He brought some pink and clear capsules to us "hayfever remedy"'he said "great we said " "they must contain dexadrine or summat good" I took 4 before I got on the bus to Manc god knows how many they had! The fun started when I tried to get off the bus at the Apollo cos I though it was the casino! Got to Manchester followed the others who by then wanted nothing to do with these three divvy kids who were clearly off thier heads tripping like foook! Got the bus to wigan one of us decided to get off the bus swinton I think? Police later found him in just his underpants having fell into a brook he said that he was sat round a pile of sticks thought he'd made a fire to dry out his clothes. The remaining two of us got to wigan but were in such a state that one of the older lads wanted to get us to hospital big thanks mona you were the only one prepared to put yourself in trouble to help us! Got to the casino saw the queue I thought it was a q for a cinema and decided to walk back to Chesterfield (72 miles) Made it to Bolton where i got split up from my one remaining mate don't know how but got on an allnight bus back to Manchester Piccadilly and woke up on a cardboard box at the back of chorlton street bus station! Can still see vividly some of the weird stuff I saw in my head that night Keep away from stuff you don't know!
  11. Here we go That's the tune!!
  12. P s your right about the speed of the tune it must be to slow for back then cos I can just about stomp to it now!!!!
  13. Yes I agree someone on here or YouTube once said what the tune is Dont quote me on this cos my recollection of records and artists is crap but frankie crocker ton of dynamite seems to ring a bell but I could be way off the mark but it's defo not willie mitchel Think it must be from the footage shot for this England but was nit used for the tv show ? Being a stubborn 18 year old at the time and still thought that the soulscence was for us that went week in and week out for years I refused to go that night they filmed! Looking. at it now with older ( not wiser) eyes it was a good thing that they filmed the casino stirs some great memories of the place where I spent nearly 4 years every weekend growing up??? Haha What an education !!
  14. Try this is it stomping? shuffling ? Still try an do this now @51 an a half years old !!!
  15. It was about 77/78 that I can remember a big influx of the totally mad backstreet bluies they made yer eyes shake legs wobble and slurred yer speech for about 5 /10 mins the you were ok just speed rush after that allegedly !!!! Don't remember the Spanish ones but I didn't start going nighters till 76
  16. Le bombers noir that's one phrase my old french teacher never taught us !!! What's the French for green n clears quesc ur sa!
  17. This is from 66 ram jam club Brixton I've seen some other footage on YouTube from The 6ts but can't find it now have a search it may turn up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWdRvyr9Jic&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  18. Just had a few(25) cd's given me just played I'll do anything Lenny gamble(aka Tony Blackburn) I think that this is the worst record that I have heard that is supposed to be a soul sound Over to you what's your nightmare? Spike
  19. Hi kris I'm off to the twisted wheel Manc today will ask some of the guys who went the wheel in the 6ts if they have any material If you visit twistedwheel.net or twistedwheel club forum you may get some info Think I've seen some old flyers on there with jr and his all stars they were on at the wheel quite alot back in the day Spike
  20. Nice one keep on keepin on
  21. Mmm the shite by al shitepants is that on the andrex lable ?? Or Is that a Lou rawls track? Only joking think you've got it spot on mate

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