Inky was defo. Running in 76/78 cos I used to go every week
Think (but not sure) Mick Goodwin dj'd there??
The place used to get packed we used to catch the bus from Chesterfield and I can recall most of the top deck full of soulies. Then there was all the local guys from inky,stavely,middlecroft,brimm ect.
Can also remember friends off the Soulscene from notts,Mansfield derby
Matlock Sheffield coming occasionallly!
Bons Main miners welfare at temple Norman ton was also a top midweek soul venue similar sort of crowd
Tuesday nights if I remember mona Gray weaver Janice weaver rob salway n Julie doz Chris n Andy Hewitt jez murry the Ellis brothers sue Morris sue Tilly god the list is endless
Even remember the best dancer I've ever seen going a couple of times gethro from Wolverhampton great
times !!
I drive past bons most days it's an housing estate now!
Also drive past inky club about once a week looks like it's going the same way. ;(
If anyone has any pics would be great