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Simon T

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Everything posted by Simon T

  1. I'm still after the Turbins track "We got to start all over" / "What more can i say". The b side to Bernadine is "Till there was you" the Beatles track, which was not credited and so why the record is rare (?)
  2. I see Shifty has a mint demo for offers / sale again, JT must have sold it back to him?!!
  3. I've got a Bernadine now, but if anybody is a bit skint after christmas and can help with any of the others I would be very grateful thanks
  4. Nige Parker bought it from Tim around 1989 for about £700, and when he sold up it went to Carl Fortnum who had it in his box about a year ago. (clip in sounds section complete with eggs frying in the background!)
  5. The 12" is just over 5 minutes long ( in a typical late 70's extended mix fasion), I'll post it up in the sounds section later
  6. Now, this is more like it, did it ever get a release?
  7. I had a list through just before xmas with one on for £250,but can't remember who the list was from.
  8. That is its title, but I've never heard it so it could be owt!
  9. "This Is Just A "b" Side"
  10. sorry Pete my mistake, I don't have many CD's don't know how to work them!
  11. The Essence of Love - I want to share my love with you - K-City produced by Keith Montgomery & Eugene Smiley
  12. What's it called? (C/U and or most probable real title) Any chance of a sound clip?
  13. For any poor devil who is........... Not played the tape for eighteen years and it's better than I remembered!
  14. Vickie Baines - Country Girl - Parkway Pick a pressing up on $oul $ounds for £10
  15. Yes, it streams alright, I had 8 tunes all playing at the same time! But that can be problem because everytime you go back to look at a reply, they start streaming all over again and if using dial up it a real slow painful experience. Or perhaps it just me and my browser settings?
  16. On dial up it's a complete pain and people may give up waiting for a 7mb file, though it look like a hit on the thread. On broadband it OK, but I think you are getting close to bring down another server as I'm now getting the message "don't access this site too continuously"!
  17. PM me your email address and I'll send you something, it's 1.5 MB, but works very well
  18. Yours is in the post (last thursday)
  19. Can't find the post now, but someone was looking for a sound file of this track. Quite catchy isn't it!
  20. Levi Stubbs was the voice inside the plant in a film, Little Shop of Horrors (?) when it shout out "feed me feed me now" it just like he's shouting Bernardette.
  21. Thanks Ronn
  22. I'm pleased you like it, it's not that bad. Most of my comments are tongue-in-cheek, a bit of bait! I didn't realise 'Pro-Plus' has been on the market for that long!

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