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Simon T

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Everything posted by Simon T

  1. Soul. Hats off to anyone actually christianed General! Always loved 'Please don't walk away' too. Even Sweet Pea Atkinson's version is OK.
  2. Now this is more like it-
  3. Murder Marc? It's OK, but I wouldn't want to be Mr Big of C wing's bitch for it!
  4. Can anyone tell me how you know if it's an original?
  5. How much are the ones with 'together' on the second line of the title (?. the reissue) worth?
  6. Probably a quid each, but the problem is the postage works out more than the disk.
  7. Or was this from The Fleet? Long time ago!
  8. Whatever happened to this since Soul Sam stopped playing it?
  9. I remember seeing an acetate years ago with just the word 'blue' written on. I think Pat Brady played it out as Jerry Cook - Since I Lost My Baby. Anyone know anything more about it? Was it ever released?
  10. Pete Here's a snippet of it cleaned up and at the right speed. Vocal's UK don't you think?
  11. Sounds about right Ted, my sample's only 89 seconds Bit 'Tough Girl' at the very begining
  12. What are doing, Ian, collecting records with 'out of the' in the title?
  13. The Stunners - Nobody But Me also has the line 'coming on strong' in it which is more mid-tempo than NW
  14. Don't think it got much of a push because he died of a coronarly a few months later, aged 38/9. Nige bought Sam's,don't what happened to it when he sold. Bought mine form Black Grape.
  15. T.S.O.B AKA The Sound Of Boston
  16. It's an earlier studio take by John Bowie, which when you play it, the singing and sparse backing sounds a touch too slow. The last time I saw it Rob Thomas had just bought back from the US so god knows where it is now he as 'retired'. There's probably a recent cut of it from when I cleaned and speeded up the original for him a couple of years ago.
  17. Totally agree Brett, looks beautiful too!
  18. Prefer the original by Johnny Bristol. The Real Thing were previously the Chants. Worth checking out by them are 'Baby I don't need your love' and a cover of 'I get the sweetest feeling' on RCA, plus 'I've been trying' on Chipping Norton. Doesn't Crufts starts at the weekend?, Chris Amoo won on the 1987 with an Afghan hound called Viscount Grant
  19. Thanks Sheep. So Martin Barnfather bought it in West Winch and then first played at? Coved up?

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