Aren't DJ's interlinked to whatever time period of soul that they'll be playing, otherwise it's just reinventing the wheel. It's not as though you need to be particularly nibble to get the next record out and on the decks is it? (Even Don Ray gives you 1:46 to perform the task!) Surley the real problem is that there hasn't been any new scenes / drugs for the youngsters to get stuck into in the last 20+ years (pschedelia / acid northern / amphetamine rave / E) They should be encouraged not to get involved in a scene with people old enough to be their parents e.g their parents!
just can't trust nobody
i've lost you
i'll love you forever
makin' up time
ready willing & able
if I only knew then
my baby ain't no play thing
new breed
A thrill a moment
Ian, perhaps he's got a price guide or ebay?
Anyway, Beverly Records have been on the go for decades, they once had 3 stores in Chicago. Not visited one since 1989, and never got owt nice of them!
No, not really, I was thinking of:
Jimmy Holiday
Chuck Holiday
New Holidays
J. Holiday & C. King.
Lyrics to Kim Weston - A thrill a moment
Having just listened to it, I don't think it's the one - nowt about pencils. Anyway, If you like it you should be able to pick one up for about a tenner.