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Otis Smith

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Everything posted by Otis Smith

  1. Unemployed, visit to job club, unaware, sat next to a local detroit soul collector, few had gone, but still had the following, at a fair price, all originals of course, sandi sheldon, most of the duo titles, phil int( U S ), golden flleece titles, variations, innovations, and lots of classic soul titles, selfish one etc.
  2. Parlaiments- heart trouble, Sweet - broken heart attack, Millie jackson- my heart took a licking, Valentines- breakaway, more to follow!
  3. DJ'd at Burscough British legion, new years eve, I mixed it up, rarities, modern, oldies, as not our usual night of underplayed soul, mind you though, some I played might not get played too often. Records from memory, Lou Ragland- since you said, jesse fisher- you're not loving a beginner, contours- baby hit and run, soul bros six- thank you baby,leroy taylor-oh linda, parlaiments-heart trouble,ringleaders- baby what has happened, four sonics- easier said than done, norman johnson- our love will grow(request).
  4. When global took over selectadisc in canal street, the only remaining stock, were pop records,ie david bowie-man etc (desperate dan cover) US mercury, northern pressings, the only decent 0rig.stock, pete warner. Old timers, might remember bjd label, brian selby( selectadisc owner) and john bratton.Was there a third party, hence the d.
  5. Ian(dewhirst), anybody, like you who, puts so much effort, into finding records ie driving and travelling for miles, searching everywhere, deserves every record, you find. Didn't an amount of E.J.CHANDLERS come out of house of sounds. Also copies of the frank dell lp came out of bostocks, especially manchester.
  6. This thread has been most captivating in the record producers, artists, finders, dealers, dancers, listeners, readers, dj's, all adding to the ingredients incorporated, into the strange world of northern soul. To all those involved, my respect, to you all!
  7. Rick Cooper left global to work at Robinsons in Manchester, and also sold records at the ritz. Steve'siz' when did sue lynne come out of underground market, as pete wid, had it at wigan, covered up! And the late frank jackson, had arin demain, early seventies, also kindly informed, the late nev wherry, at wigan, his tony middleton, was harry starr.
  8. Just a little info from me, to add to this thread, global used to ship box loads( 100 count boxes ) to john anderson, god knows what he found in there, after quantities of vonettes, had been discovered, last few reasonable titles left to surface, magnetics- I have a girl, george kirby- what can I do, harry starr- another time, another place, bobby 'guitar' woods- mighty nice to know. As regards bernie binnick, there were connections, to swan via global, and together with john lamont and ed balbier, were part of the philadelphia record dealings.
  9. German compilation lp( sorry no title, as lp filed, away) Ben Aiken- satisfied ( female backing singers, not on american 45) label, Warner Bros, lots of other northern, on it as well.
  10. I would like to add a few personal memories of my own to this thread, first is thanks, for starting it, secondly, being at wigan, and dave puts three degrees- drivin me mad, into his set( another new record for me, at the time), thirdly whilst selling records, in the bar, someone, on his behalf, asks for eddie holman - I surrender, duly supplied, ( Dave, makes it massive), and lastly at lowton, plays roger collins- sexy sugar plum, and as always, full dancefloor.
  11. Never yet entered into three figures, thankfully, but if memory serves me correctly, 20 pounds for Willie Kendricks- Change Your Ways- RCA demo, of Mr Hampsey, Windmill, sheffield, early 80's. Apologies, if off record, but did you( ernie andrew) work with Rick Cooper at global, as I took over, after he went to Robinsons. I got a few records, ie Magnetics- I have a girl, Harry Starr, (5 copies), 2 George Kirbys, before Roger Banks and John Beecher got the bulk. Maybe, another thread, the history of global. All the best, to all collectors.
  12. Another Soul Brother goes to heaven. My personal memory of chris, was being his guest, at one of the casino's anniversary party. The last time I saw him, was at a record fair he put on at Ormskirk church hall.

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