[sorry guys but i feel the need to post this up ..
But after a lot of deliberation ive come to the conclusion ...some people who post in the wants ,more than any other forum ,have got to be the most ignorant t**ts ive had the misfortune to deal with
I have to agree with this, people who dont reply to PM'S,in Wants really piss me off.
For Fecks sake its not that hard to just say no thanks your price is too high or I want it in better condition etc.
In fact I would go so far as to say that the ignorant twats who dont reply should
be subjected to a night with Julian Bentley DJing.
But seriously cant something be done about this.
AND another thing please please please stop people putting Gemm/musicstack/ebay links up in wants.
This is a community of like type souls so why would anybody want
to recommend some dealer from f*ck knows where, who nobody
knows etc
LIGHTWATER take note, you're the worse offender
lots of us sell records so we can buy others which may well
be the next big record that you are listening
Kegsy (Pissed and Pissed Off)