As there still seems to be confusion on what is Ovo I will re-post something I posted months ago.
The Ministry of (Soul) Sounds has recently become aware of a rather disturbing dispute that has broken out, all over the country, regarding the playing or non playing of tunes from their original vinyl format.
This dispute seems to have stemmed from an event held, at a famous venue, in a northern seaside town, but has spread at an alarming rate across the country and the rest of the world via the Internet.
A moderator for one of the sites involved has said and I quote "Bloody hell, five pages over this? Almost all who care about format know what you get with most DJ's and venues these days. Those that don't couldn't care less if vinyl, cd or mp3."
We at the Ministry feel, that this rather concerning outbreak of hysteria, cannot be allowed to go unchecked. We have therefore formed a select committee (OVOCOM) to investigate the matter.
After an emergency (OVOCOM) meeting on Friday Feb. 24th the following actions have been proposed.
1. Since most Original Vinyl comes from the U.S., we intend to petition the treasury for funding of £10million. This will be used to set up offices in the U.S., preferred locations are Beverley Hills and Las Vegas. These offices will be primarily used to verify what Original Vinyl actually is. They will operate under the title Original Vinyl Only Research Institute (OVORI), not to be confused with OVARY where many OVO fanatics believe dissenters should have stayed.
2. In order that The Ministry can properly police this issue we will need to recruit and train the necessary personnel. Therefore we will petition for further funding of £50million for a brand new purpose built complex which will be known as O-VOT-TOP (Original Vinyl Technical Training Opportunities Program).Once properly trained the personnel will then attend venues and issue Original Vinyl Only Certificates Of Proficiency (OVOCOP).
3. We will also be liaising with equipment suppliers, turntables Amps ascertain whether any technical measures can be used to verify OVO policies. A new subcommittee will be formed for these consultations. This subcommittee will be called Original Vinyl Only General Electrical Equipment (OVOGEEQ).
Until we can bring all these new resources on stream we would like to ask all citizens, who may be tempted to engage in this fracas, to remain calm at all times.