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Everything posted by Kegsy

  1. Why would anyone want to cover/remake such an iconic record. Nobody else could really do it justice and any attempt to do so would be doomed to failure as Jackie's version is just soooo memorable. Its like somebody trying to do Hard to Handle or such like. kegsy
  2. PM'd You kegsy
  3. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https://www.thisoldsoul.net/lance.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.thisoldsoul.net/lance.html&h=246&w=264&sz=15&tbnid=LXPLLeSvxhvF6M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=97&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmajor%2Blance%2Bimages%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=major+lance+images&usg=__7cmsNfoipazi3pFOLA50X-4Asmk=&docid=uZ2eFdrsDpHy9M&hl=en-GB&sa=X&ei=L9kJUuP_G5Sb1AXfrIHIBw&ved=0CFcQ9QEwDA&dur=431 Example of the picture sleeve off the net. Pm'd You Kegsy
  4. Are you sure about this and if so why ? All the discographies I look at, Bobby Sheen and Warner bros seem to list SNTD as the A side. Its a puzzler for sure, see my post with the images a couple of posts back. Kegsy
  5. These images particularly the date stamped demo make things even worse. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=bobby+sheen+something+new+to+do&newwindow=1&hl=en&qscrl=1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=_aAIUvi6FLHZ0QXaoYCICQ&ved=0CFMQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=651 Note the wording of "promotional" "not for sale" differences. In addition Manships book says counterfeit is exact copy of WB label but brown see through vinyl. The picture in the book is of SNTD with stars on that side. Kegsy
  6. Mine is exactly the same as this, with 0077 & 0078 (SNTD) matrix Cost me $2 about 15 years ago on the net from an ex radio DJ. Cant see it being a boot given where I got it from. Bit of a puzzler this one, maybe it was re-promoted by WB after it was a flop first time round. kegsy
  7. Well he's not known as The Dancemaster for nothing. Kegsy
  8. Richie "You can only have one copy" Rosen.
  9. Not that's what I call a boot.
  10. I have these ping clubs, left handed, always loved 'em. As soon as I picked them up all those years ago they just felt perfect for me. Kegsy
  11. Will Sony now allow/release access to their Atrac format so that mini-discs can be copied onto PC's along with titles etc. Its about bleeding time. Kegsy
  12. PM'd You. kegsy
  13. Would this confirm my long held assumption that Eddie Horan is not actually a tree. Kegsy
  14. When I used to go on holiday to Jamaica, (10 years on the trot), we used to go to an "oldies" dance although they called it old-hits. Along with lots of old style Ska, Calypso etc. there was always quite a bit on R&B, Doo-wop and early soul being played alongside it. When I asked why, the DJ said that's how it was back in the early sixties. Kegsy
  15. PM'd You. Kegsy
  16. Please be serious you know as well as everybody else on here that Pete would never part with such a classic northern record. Kegsy
  17. PM'd You Kegsy
  18. Because I cant F++king remember any of it although I know it would have filled more than one book. Kegsy
  19. been there done that. Kegsy

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