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Everything posted by Kegsy

  1. Could this be the first record to be officially unreleased/unissued twice ?.
  2. I think I liked it better when it was unknown to be honest.
  3. I'm actually quite surprised this record didn't turn up on Bradford Market back in the day. Quite a few Soultown stuff McKinley Travis (2 titles) , Little Helen (2 maybe 3 titles) and yes even The Sweets were on there, I don't remember anybody ever getting a Ray Agee, am I wrong though ?. Just seems strange, if most of the label's output was on there but not that one.
  4. Not in 1977 mate.
  5. I wouldn't expect any other reply, traditions are important.
  6. Why didn't you just ask Mrs B. she knows ten times more than you about records, especially good ones.
  7. I have one stamp 235 on one side and 230 on the other. Just checked the U.S. original, I think its the playing time. Never really thought about it before.
  8. Hamster ?
  9. Someone needs to tell them, you dont learn to dance, you walk onto the dancefloor let the music hit you, think of nothing else, and dance. If that doesn't work go line dancing, take up knitting or become an OVO DJ.
  10. Oh dear, another case of "keep on taking the tablets"
  11. PM sent
  12. I think its called group paranoia brought on by eating too many "sweeties" as a youth.
  13. i sincerely hope so or i'll get the blame as usual
  14. Open The Boot Wide eyed teenagers are stopped at random in the wee small hours and the contents of their car boots are, shall we say, "appraised".
  15. The following week's programme will, of course, look like a repeat even though it will feature completely new footage.
  16. I don't think repeats qualify
  17. Nine times out of ten he would probably serve one of his white "sole" delicacies.
  18. The OVO Chase Quiz show in which contestants compete against an original vinyl expert and have to correctly identify records from pictures of the run out groove.
  19. Behave ?, knowing Ian, as I do, he would be jumping at the go go at the chance to do it. Nobody could ever accuse him of being shy about his sexuality.
  20. Queen of the Go Go Northern show hosted by Ian Levine.
  21. Maybe a few UK collectors are getting a hard on about the pictures

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