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Everything posted by Kegsy

  1. Been meaning to dig these out and post them up for yonks, anyway I finally got round to it. I think the Royal Swan was in Huddersfield but things were a bit blurred in those days. I sent off for the Cats application and was gonna hand it in when I got there, I didn't need, to as i went down with Alan Day the first time and got in for nowt !!!!!!!, after that I was never asked for membership.
  2. I have this on the wall.
  3. Also Faith, Hope & Charity - Don't Pity Me - 20th century.
  4. There are loads of records I've forgotten I've got, the thing is I can't remember the artists or titles Like the original poster i had some boxes, in the garage for about 15 years, I had discounted as not good enough, these included multi copies of Big Daddy Rogers, Patience Valentine on SAR, Eskeew Reeder on Instant plus quite a few others that got played as tastes changed.
  5. I used to go to "blues" parties in Bradford all the time and was often the only white face in the place, never had any hassle. Its all a bit different nowadays though, as there seems to be a constant "war" between, shall we say, various ethnic minorities and I won't go near them these days, don't want to get caught up in a knife or gun fight whilst having a night out.
  6. Craig Charles ain't got a clue. I have never seen/heard any racism on the scene in over 45 years, what about the jazz/funk scene that many "northern" fans also frequented at the same time, would Mr Charles say this was predominantly a white scene too ?.
  7. I remember when you couldn't even GIVE it away
  8. What ? https://www.ebay.com/itm/THE-OLYMPICS-Same-Old-Thing-MIRWOOD-7-45-EX-Northern-Soul-Rare-/301650672874?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item463bc7fcea and just when you thought it couldn't get any dafter https://www.ebay.com/itm/DEAN-PARRISH-Im-On-My-Way-M-UK-45-northern-soul-dancer-R-B-mod-Watch-Out-HEAR-/331566777998?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d32eb868e
  9. Ooops senior moment, the album was of course on Kapp.
  10. The Hesitations did a version on the New Born Free RCA album, maybe its this one.
  11. According to discogs there is a Canadian RT136 too. https://www.discogs.com/Fantastic-Four-Goddess-Of-Love/master/583032 Makes you wonder if the other missing numbers above were available in Canada too. Presumably Canadian issues would have stopped when Berry Gordy got his grubby paws involved.
  12. Didn't Lennon once put The Dells Wear It On Our Face in his all time top ten.
  13. Don't worry if you ever come into contact with it there's some ointment you can get from the chemists.
  14. The landlord in my local uses spotify to play tunes on Fridays/Saturdays. Sometime he asks me to look after it while he mingles and has a couple of pints. Strangely enough the next hour's playlist features almost exclusively Northern/Crossover/Sweet and some funk, i think he's starting to not believe me when I say " that I can't operate spotify".
  15. PM'd you on the Ambassadors on Pee Vee.
  16. If so please e-mail or phone him and let him know i need his address to send him a record he bought. ALL SORTED NOW, cheers to responders.
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  17. I need your address mate.
  18. We could be here all week mate.
  19. Have a word with Greg Tormo, solidhit on here, he lives in Newark which can't be that far from you. He knows his stuff and may be prepared to help.
  20. "There's a hole in daddy's arm, where all the money goes" or "Sam Stone was alone when he popped his last balloon, climbing walls while sitting in a chair." Both from Swamp Dogg - Sam Stone on Cream, the whole song is lyrically excellent.
  21. Was Soulful Detroit where we gave the money for the Darrell Banks memorial ?
  22. Don't want to be critical of the plate seller but i think he chose the wrong place to sell that plate. I would have been looking for someone with the surname Soul and the initials LS, that's what I will be doing with mine, I would also expect to get a damn sight more than 675 for it to be honest.

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