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Everything posted by Kegsy

  1. PM'd You
  2. Thats what I thought too. Problem solved then, I did wonder how it had that number, especially as its the same as the Musicvoice Demo.
  3. Yes that's the one I have, the thing is I can find that one is listed in Musicor discographies, whereas I cannot find M 504, which is the one listed in JM's guide.
  4. Intruders But You Belong To Me/Jack Be Nimble. Promo copies are on Musicvoice Cat No. M 504, label design exactly like Musicor. Issue copies, according to JM's book, are on Musicor Cat No. M 504. So where does that leave the issue copy I have which is on Musicor Cat No MU 1055 ??????? After digging about a bit I cant find any other Musicor 45's with a single M prefix, in fact it appears Musicor 45's started at MU 1001.
  5. Now there's a whole bundle of memories, not all necessarily legal
  6. Sorry to hear this, Alf was one the true early scene characters, usually up to something and always a right laugh.
  7. I agree the budget LP with Tell Me on was on Starline whereas My Love was on Music for Pleasure, the MFP LP was in every Woolies in the country at the time as I recall.
  8. 45 came out October 73, it had been played off the LP for yonks.
  9. Nah mate definitely played at the Torch, I remember because I was talking to a guy who said they didn't play any Tamla, at the very moment it was playing. Not sure who played it first though, would guess at Alan Day, could be wrong though.
  10. Not keen on 2 at all, but I've heard a lot worse than 1 & 3 played out !.
  11. The question is did big money change hands EVERY time, especially from the original source, given that at least 3 people have received these records for free by the looks of it.
  12. Are you saying said record was bought and sold 3/4 four times in a matter of months ? If so there must have been a lot of chatter on the scene regarding whether it was the same copy or whether there was more than one etc. We all know its very hard to keep secrets on this scene about records, especially a piece like this. Besides that's not what it says in the quoted face book posting.
  13. I would be more interested to know if the middle man between Ian Levine and Sean Chapman was 100% confident it was an original.
  14. So Sean bought it "about 3 months ago", which is not too far away from late 2015, and the guy who sold him, what is a trophy record, bought it in late 2015. Simple question, why would somebody buy the Magnetics at a "fair amount" and then sell it almost immediately. Something does not stack up here, people who buy records of this rarity/price don't sell them on at the drop of a hat. It would be nice to know who the middle man was. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there isn't much to be explained by Ian about this fiasco, but is there any proof, as yet, he tried to deceive people by selling these lookalikes, other than your post above ?.
  15. Knowing your kid he probably thought they were not cheap enough, no matter what price they were
  16. When I was trawling the net in the early days, long before most households had access, i was doing very well finding all sorts of stuff $2-$10 in the States. Then a certain little sweetheart published a price guide and I started to get knock backs on boat loads of records, even though they were listed at a given price !. The records would remain on the list but the price would then become what was in the price guide. Any order from the UK seemed to be become an instant red flag to U.S. dealers.
  17. Yes i think it's called the "Sprungspun fork technique" I'm here all week.
  18. I'm losing the will to live !!!! Maybe some crumbs slipped off Arthurs cheese butty and corrupted the pressing process
  19. Mr domar getting irate... perish the thought you only had to ring two minutes early/late to get a major bollocking. Was it him that that once put on his lists " I don't have all night to talk to the pill damaged"
  20. He didn't have to spend it on soul records though did he ?, he could have spent on anything he wanted, I think that tells you something about his appreciation of the music.
  21. Every thread on here that mentions Ian Levine usually turns out the same way. You have to understand that he was the guy who the downright affrontery to unlease Carstairs It Really Hurts Me Girl onto the stomping classes, how very dare he, he should burn in hell etc. etc.. Good God its one of the best group soul records to grace the scene IMHO.
  22. Makes sense just to do single deals as a hit single would have given him more leverage on the money for the album.
  23. From what I have read i think the full album was already in the can when Dave Johnson approached Stax, well that's what it says in the sleeve notes posted earlier. I would suggest that if either of the two singles had "hit" then the album would have got a release, but they didn't, so it didn't. Plus Shirley brown came along and had a million seller with Woman to Woman around the same time and her album did get released, on both Stax and Truth as it happens..
  24. As I said I don't think they are from shops or fairs there is just too large a volume, which would suggest a warehouse.
  25. The question is where does this "trashed stock" reside ?.

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