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Everything posted by Kegsy

  1. Any club you care to Google before the phrase "northern soul" was coined. Wheel, Tin Chicken, Lord Jims, Plebs, Blue Orchid I could go on ..... and on.
  2. Sorry but the style of dancing preceded the term "northern soul" by quite a few years.
  3. Many, many years ago I bought a couple of thousand 45's from the remnants of what was left from the Bradford Market stockpile. They were 40 records for a quid bought blind. Given the taste at the time was mainly uptempo stompers, very few of the records passed the first 30 seconds play test and the vast majority were consigned to boxes at the back of the garage. They remained there for over 20 years. About 10 or more years ago and following the change in tastes, crossover, 70's etc I decided to investigate said records again. 8 copies of Big Daddy Rogers. 4 copies Eskew Reeder Undivided Love. Patience Valentine on Sar. 2 copies Bobby Hutton Come See etc. Darondo on Af-Fa World Plus probably quite a few 100 quid plus records I can't remember and dozens of others now valued between 30-50 quid.
  4. Am I missing something here, surely you mean Richard temple ?.
  5. They are entitled to payments from their own recording not cover versions. If Bessie never got any money from the song it was probably because she and Larry divorced around or just before the time it was released.
  6. Why would Bessie banks get any money out of a cover version of a song she didn't write, produce or arrange ?, of course her husband Larry should have got some for writing credits.
  7. You've put your post in Sales mate.
  8. I may have crashed there occasionally but I'll plead the fifth on it if asked. Happy daze (no spelling mistake) mate.
  9. Why doesn't that surprise me ?
  10. Good God man were you the only 16 year old in Widnes who didn't know how to nick a car. ☺
  11. You should have just got a lift with Coddy or Frank New.
  12. I suppose the acid test for that list would be, how many of them would have been played at Va Va's or Cleethorpes ?.
  13. Hot Tips Thumb A Ride ????, surely this was massive well before Wigan even opened ?.
  14. Without a doubt a truly excellent slab of Motown, should be played out a lot more than it is IMHO. As for price i would have thought about £25, for a mint copy.
  15. If you are after 60's original LP's think most of them would have been on Minit.
  16. A Dave the Dentist set at Prestatyn one afternoon session, or was it Cleethorpes ?. An Arthur Fenn session at Cleethorpes or was it Prestatyn ?. All Martyn Ellis sets at the Torch. I have no idea what records were played in any of the above sets but for some reason I remember them.
  17. PM sent
  18. Was gonna mention that, think Mr Slater was the musical inspiration. The Vic Lounge was a go to venue after nighters on this side of the pennines.
  19. No problem Steve, it was one of those records I had for years that never really took off and couldn't understand why. So I sold the issue copy for about 80 and the demo for about 60. Got another demo and sold that for a ton, we have all done it.
  20. No black issue, yellow demo and very very rare orange issue.
  21. Well fuck my old boots, no shit sherlock.

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