Many, many years ago I bought a couple of thousand 45's from the remnants of what was left from the Bradford Market stockpile. They were 40 records for a quid bought blind. Given the taste at the time was mainly uptempo stompers, very few of the records passed the first 30 seconds play test and the vast majority were consigned to boxes at the back of the garage. They remained there for over 20 years. About 10 or more years ago and following the change in tastes, crossover, 70's etc I decided to investigate said records again.
8 copies of Big Daddy Rogers.
4 copies Eskew Reeder Undivided Love.
Patience Valentine on Sar.
2 copies Bobby Hutton Come See etc.
Darondo on Af-Fa World
Plus probably quite a few 100 quid plus records I can't remember and dozens of others now valued between 30-50 quid.