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Everything posted by moodysoul1

  1. My reply to'Fatius Bumius' If the Brit is the Cave like venue u go up some stairs to by the river then i have been to a northern night there,not recently but with in the last 12 years since ive been back on the scene.Obviosly u were nt around then.
  2. Missed the first post.get the jist of the topic.Been to both venues and the FEDERATION is the better of the two venues .Good venue Good music and really friendly guys that run it.We travel from Sheffield and have never been dissapointed.
  3. tell your mate to watch ITV theres more and more northern sounnds on various advertisments.Failing that just walk around T K MAXX in Sheffield for a while your sure to hear some choon they play at a northern do.SAD really better when it was a underground scene.
  4. and the djs playing amy weller duffy to get them commin back
  5. Met a fellow soulie in Spec Save.Iwas sat having my spec's fitted when i commented on the four tops Lp beingplayed as one of favourites.One of the assistants asked if i went to soul do's .I said i did. She'd recognised me even with my readers on.
  6. There's a white guy who's got a great soul voice and sings northern tune's called LITTLE JOHNNY.Saw him at a scooter do at Preston Grasshoppers a few years ago.He could really belt them out.
  7. There's a white guy who's got a great soul voice and sings northern tune's called LITTLE JOHNNY.Saw him at a scooter do at Preston Grasshoppers a few years ago.He could really belt them out.
  8. the girl in the thong was doing the can-can and only got as far in the comp because she was showing her arse.I sat on the balcony watching and cringing.
  9. the real northern soulies know the dance floor etiquette
  10. thou shalt not salsa at a northern nite.like the prats at brighouse
  11. just listend to the david bowie track.probably go down well at a scooter do but would surely empty the floor at a northern nite.
  12. yes ive nearly looked like bambi when ive slipped on talc .NOT A GOOD LOOK FOR A 52 YEAR OLD
  13. Ido think some people think it is in the rules.It would be nice if the talc users would consider the soulies who wear shoes that dont need talc. In my experience the people that swathe talc all around the dance floor just shuffle up and down anyway
  14. i think its Carl Piper.He runs a soul nite in Rainworth.He's a really nice bloke.
  15. i think its Carl Piper he runs a soul nite in rainworth.He's a really nice bloke
  16. went 2 hibs alldayer last year and had a great time
  17. Thanks! unfortunatley cant stay sun.Now we ve got the soul scotland calender we can plan our next trip around that

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