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Everything posted by skullsnaps

  1. Still have the Sylvester Jackson & Rita Garrett 45?
  2. Hi, do you still have the Frank Curt 45?
  3. Hi, is the Bobby Shannon still available?
  4. Over 1300 songs now, mostly high quality clips burned directly from the original vinyl, enjoy!
  5. Is this still available?
  6. Is the Joe Brown still around?
  7. Hi, do you still have any of these for sale?
  8. Now almost 650 records posted
  9. Thomas East still available?
  10. Still available?
  11. Sure this list is old, but I was wondering if you still had the Bumps Jackson and the Uhuru 45s?
  12. Thanks, glad you are discovering some new (old) music.
  13. When I started the blog in 2009, I would post some songs that I discovered online (I guess some of them were yours!), but after a few months, decided to just stick to my own collection. Sometimes, I use someone else's mp3 that I find online because it's just too time consuming to record all that vinyl, I can only do it on the weekends. Of the 500+ songs on there, there are 25 records that I don't own the original pressings of, and I'm looking for those 25!
  14. Glad you are enjoying it, it makes it worth the effort
  15. Is the New Way version the exact same recording?
  16. Now Over 500+ complete soundfiles and label/cover scans for the discerning funk/soul fan Main page: https://funksoul.tumblr.com/ Archive for the serious vinyl porn: https://funksoul.tumblr.com/archive Streaming audio to listen to all songs with one click: https://www.trntbl.me/funksoul
  17. Thanks Brett, glad you've enjoyed the blog. The time consuming part is turning vinyl into Mp3, I never have the time to do more than 15-20 tracks at one time.
  18. Glad you liked the blog, thanks. Not planning on selling any unless I have doubles, what were you interested in?
  19. I have spent more than year posting almost 400 song files to my blog with cover/label scans as well. All but 25 of the songs come from my collection and are from original pressings. They range from the rare (Frank Hutson, Antonio Castro) to some more well known tracks. I started the blog as a way to share music that I love, nothing more, nothing less. Since I no longer DJ, it seemed like a good way to turn people on to records they might not know. Hope anyone who checks it out enjoys it. Here is the link to the main page: https://funksoul.tumblr.com/ This link opens the archive with every song file and label/cover scan I have posted loading as you scroll down: https://funksoul.tumblr.com/archive This is a 3rd party app someone created that instantly loads all of the songs I have posted into a player and allows you to stream them all with one click. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work correctly: https://www.trntbl.me/funksoul Any feedback is appreciated, hope people find a new(old) song they love
  20. Thanks for the info, I credited you on my blog
  21. As a labor of love I have posted 360+ funk & soul songs (with a few leftfield surprises) over the last year plus, including label/cover scans. For those that care, all but about 25 of them are original pressings from my collection. Go here for the main page: https://funksoul.tumblr.com/ follow the links on the page to either stream all the music, or check out the archive page to see all the label/cover scans together. Hope some of you enjoy it. Let me know.
  22. Do you still have this available? If so, is the price negotiable? -Thanks

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