interesting stuff but the fact that records were ''pushed'' to then be pressed for the financial benefit of a few is an old and well known story.
I have said before it still goes on today not for the pushing of bootlegs but for the blatent ramping up of cheap sounds that some people have stock of that when become popular get sold for 10 times the actual value,
deep dark secret,Ace Spectrum,Futures,Almeta lattimore,J M Matthews,Bill bush etc etc, the true value of these records is far less than what they are getting sold for, it is just the way it is.
yes some records are quite rare and do not get the recognition price wise that they should and some common records go for silly money just cos its the current ''big sound''
to say that bootlegging is fine cos it gave us what we have today is a load of bollocks,the scene would have progressed anyway,just look how much knowledge collectors and dealers have these days and how many more is there now than there was 30 years ago, then there was maybe a dozen people with enough knowledge,appreciation of the music and the ability to go to the States and ''open doors'' to find the records and make agreements with dealers in the US,now there is loads of knowledgable people with great records themselves.......the only problem is the vinyl has dried up !!!