''up to the sun'' on BUMPSHOP is nice but making silly money,also try ''its gonna be a lovely summer'' which came out on KAPP and TRI-CITY,
CANDY APPLE LP can be found for about £40.
he has a nice voice IMO.
his Micky Champion is a boot as well,also his GTOs looks ''iffy'' but in view of the other records lets give him the benefit of the doubt,they are all boots and he's a robbin twat.
nah,no idea,I used to be particularly impressed by his use of the mictophone........... ''the sound of'' '' the sound of'' ''the sound of'' thats all he used to bloody say.
I tried it Dukesy but couldnt get a sound,RP connected but just kept on ''connecting'', not very smart on PCs,what am I doing wrong ?
whats on it by the way ?
sorted thanks Christian,just been through the whole site at Andy's and its so nice to see sensibly priced records from a dealer,always get a good deal from him.
have always said if records were priced more sensibly people would buy more and dealers would sell more !!!