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Everything posted by Headsy

  1. WIMP
  2. sent you a PM about DG
  3. should be £ 10 for the issue, in 1977/78 we found a box of 100 in a junk shop !! there are literally thousands of issues lying around ( somewhere ) the demo is nice mind.
  4. updated list, open to offers ta
  5. main track is ''a way to love you'' cover EX+ ( slight tear about one inch along top crease) no marks,very clean, record M- £40 dlvd UK by RD PM or e-mail jeffheads@btinternet.com
  6. Headsy


    Dynatones is not a boot,worth about £10. SOM's is a UK release from the 70s,about £5
  7. yeah Dukesy,shall i keep it for you ? send me a PM and we'll sort it out cheers
  8. list updated,more added, open to offers, cheers
  9. if any prices are not right,please make an offer. £1.50 RD postage in UK PM or e-mail jeffheads@btinternet.com all mint minus unless stated..... Samson and Delilah I aint no fool ABC demo £20 Jackie Day before its too late MODERN £25 Billie Dearborn you need me to love you BELL demo £75 Cheryle Thompson dont walk away VJ demo £40 Bobby Williams try love SURESHOT £30 Dee Irwin I only get this feeling IMPERIAL demo £25 Barbara Mason dont ever want to lose your love ARCTIC £25 Debbie Dean why am I loving you VIP demo ( same flip ( £50 Leah Dawson my mechanical man MAGIC CITY (gold) £20 The Cruisers take a chance GAMBLE £10 Bobo Mr Soul hitch hike to heartbreak road OVIDE £10 Jean Wells keep your mouth shut VOLAIRE demo £ 20 Andy Butler coming apart at the seems TANGERINE £20 Inovations just keep on loving me HIT SOUND £20 Patrice Holloway stay with your own kind CAPITOL £25 Otis Brown I'm ready for love LU JUNA £20 Carol Anderson you've got it coming CHERIE £20 Billy McGregor fall on my knees FLASH £15 The Geminis cant let you go RCA demo £20 Jackie Wilson helpless BRUNSWICK demo £10 Sam Waymon you can count on me NINANDY £15 Vicki Collins I'm better SOULVILLE £15 Winchester hot on the heels of love METROMEDIA demo £20 Bobby Caldwell love won't wait CLOUDS £20 Ronnie and Joyce on the stage of love ALPHA £20 Jackie Lee bring it on home KEYMEN £10 Chuck Bernard every hurt makes you stronger SATELLITE £20 Ike and Tina Turner dust my broom TANGERINE £25 Clarence Carter its all in your mind ATLANTIC demo £20 Chuck Armstrong she had the right R+R £15 Joan Moody dont do me that way TCF £20 Might Marvellows talking bout ya baby ABC £15 Vicki Adams Im drowning STOP £15 cheers
  10. as this is your first post ''brother'' why dont you give the site 10% of the sales revenue, that way you are helping your ''brothers'' in the UK in keeping the site going and helping you to make money and help your ''brother'' move to NY ?
  11. alright Kev,we need to talk,give me a ring. I think the flip is awesome as well, had it for a while,might keep it actually as only had one bid and if I can move a load of other stuff then it stays,at least that way I get some money back. its hard selling records at places as I get bored easily and I like to have a bit ''frisk'' ( usually with you ) e-bay is easy but you rarely get what they are worth,at least I didnt pay full wack for them,so .
  12. a bit of spring cleaning Dave, just clearing up stuff , its pound notes lying around you know,some doubles, stuff lying around, 400 sold this year and another 170 ish to go then its over, still keeping a good few but bought heavy last couple of months and need some money ......so many records and not enough money gonna sell me sommat at the next Wilton ? do me a sales tape ?
  13. and she plays some damn fine Northern records as well !!!
  14. PM or e-mail jeffheads@btinternet.com £1.50 RD post, insurance extra. Continental Four the way I love you £20 M- Jaywalking *** SOLD *** John Gary Williams whole damn world is going crazy £60 M- Stax Willie Hightower because I love you £65 M- Capitol Jackie Day before its too late £25 M- Modern Joe Hinton got you on my mind £75 M- Backbeat *** SOLD *** Four Larks I still love you/ groovin at the go-go £125 M- Tower white demo Tommy Tate taking on pain M- OKEH white demo, ''SPOTLESS'' taking offers on this one ,sorry ta
  15. no expert but I would have thought about £40, it was me who got the one on e-bay for £20 which I think is very reasonable these days for a limited UK press.......no doubt someone will prove me wrong but was this not a 5,000 one off print run by Columbia for the UK market ?? I was told this by a bloke who worked in Callars record store and was one of the buyers.
  16. that was the price two years ago and a fair price,then last year it hit £100 cos it was getting plays,but still overpriced IMO, now this price........no no
  17. doh, yeah , now will people believe me when I tell them I am a complete idiot with records,titles and artists, I am sick of asking what records are called only to find out I have a copy ( not that I've got a lot,just that I am absolutely hopeless !! ) my brain hurts
  18. ''Tyras theme''
  19. do you not think thats because people on here are'nt as stupid as the people on e-bay ?
  20. Lee Fields ''take me back'' on ANGLE 3 records jeffheads@btinternet.com ta
  21. I bet you're from Scotland ?? they all want this,swapped mine with Richie Conn, I dont think its that good IMHO
  22. a mates got a demo if anybody wants it let me know, and what they think its worth ?? jeffheads@btinternet.com
  24. is she not a C+W artist ??

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