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Everything posted by Headsy

  1. Wrong clue I know but am pissed on holiday
  2. James hunter six Take it as you find it
  3. If its Male mid tempo Detroit style 60s vocal then that's it.
  4. Thanks Ed but no It's a mid tempo slow smooth dancer Male vocal sounds so 60s, struggling on other forum asking who it is
  5. Pitched down maybe
  6. On hold till record identified
  7. Back to square one Not Pete Rodriguez and not Pete Terrance
  8. Angus has messed up Back to square one Not Pete Rodriguez and not Pete Terrence
  9. No mate thanks anyway
  10. Pete Terrance I like it like that
  11. I like it like that PMs please
  12. Many thanks to Angus
  13. Not Pete Terence I'm gonna make it, similar This was softer than above and not as shouty
  14. On holiday and mixed in with nice dreamy house music this comes on. I think the mix was 2k onwards but this tune stood out. Male mid tempo,not beat ballad,but a dancer . Hook line is ' if you like it that way', might have been' if you like it like that.' Now this could be a recent mix but it was so like a 60s that night on impossible. Anybody any ideas?
  15. Was he not a Moroccan guy who just rolled up and paid the studio time? and no not that Miroccan guy....
  16. I'll just call you honey Ta
  17. On hold pending payment
  18. Soundfile not from my copy, My copy plays clean and vinyl ex+ with clean labels £65.00 incl.uk post PayPal friends family
  19. It's a bootleg does that help
  20. Lol You also mate
  21. There you go Angus Now you can sell me it at the same discounted prices I used to sell you X
  22. Thanks Ed but no

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