why sell something that gives you so much pleasure for so many years and keeps you busy looking/hunting and is great fun and is in common with what your mates do ?, what you talk to your mates ( and anybody else who listens ) about !!what are you gonna do with the money ? buy a car for £20,000 that after 4 years is worth less than £10,000. thats a waste of £2,500 a year.go on holiday for 2K, then its over with ?buy some clothes that dont fit you next year ? stop smoking or drinking and save money at the end of the day you have so much disposable income to spend.......better to spend it on records as much as anything....big difference is you will always get some money back in later years if you sell the records......you wont with drink drugs and loose women ( I try to do it all )plus theres all the fun ...........stay in and convert to Buddha, then you wont have to worry about the money.