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Everything posted by Headsy

  1. all prices include delivery to UK by recorded delivery, overseas prices on request. PM me or e-mail jeffheads@btinternet.com all mint minus unless marked............... DIFOSCO sunshine love Earthquake £ 50 TEMPOS dont leave me Rileys £ 50 MICKAY LANAY I'm gonna walk Vulcan £ 65 BILLIE DEARBORN you need me to love you Bell demo £ 50 EX+ PATRICE HOLLOWAY stay with your own kind Capitol £ 15 JOAN MOODY dont do me that way TCF £ 15 SISSIE HOUSTON dont come running to me Kapp demo £ 70 JAY J JONES I dont know about you V-Tone £50
  2. oh aye MISS...........just because of one little incident I am dumped, right then
  3. still coming out, next one march I think ,
  4. Joe Hicks is a tough one, great B side RT on demo is hard as well ???Wally a fair price is £20-25 for the Dealers ( yes, gold Big Bunny ) depending on condition, give me a ring tomm. as need to know what your leave is like for march ?? ( Fed and Wilton )if you sell yours will start playing mine
  5. probably tricky DISCO for Wally
  6. this is the fun about collecting records, I thought the yellow issues were the later ones ? are the red the later ones ? what year did it change or was it either colour all the way through ?
  7. dont worry about that soul knacker .,would sooner cut one of your balls off than play my rare soul there
  8. was offered a Bobby Sanders two months ago at £400 and knocked it back, copy in Gateshead but the kid wont sell, so thats two, its not that hard IMO. compared to what we are talking about and its a US release anyway ( something to do with the Younghearts ),this is meant to be British issues is'nt it ?yes the Bobby Sanders is yellow .
  9. I have a British for sale, what you wanna pay ? M-
  10. is that why you have to take two paracetomols to get rid of your headache, one for each Ted
  11. Headsy


    Edward Brothers what a great mid-tempo dance record, boom boom on the drum roll.,great horns, I love this me and all demos are usually VG+ so M- is a bonus.
  12. same sorta thing as I said take Artus Satterfield for example, how many people actually know it ?saw it on a list last week for £10 which was VERY cheap IMO and rang a mate to tell him to buy it, played my copy down the phone to him and he said '' just get it for me,I like that '' cos IMO its a good record and could well be massive in the future, I bet you cannot get £50 for Bill Bush in 5 years time .
  13. thats another point,at what time do you sell a record that you know you can get a lot of money for,especially if you bought it for £5, say 20 years ago ?some people just dont want to sell them.,some do and they want the top price.
  14. sensible, always said it......a good record is always gonna be a good record !!!buy a good record for under ,say £50, and you are never gonna lose out because eventually these records will go up in price.LOTS of records that go for silly money now are not rare,just currently popular as people catch on to them.a £20 record in a box now is maybe rarer than a £500 current monster ( Curley Moore anyone ? ) just that nobody is looking for it or nobody is playing it ( Bill Bush anyone ? )all you can do is get as many lists as you can and watch how often things come up for sale, going to venues is fine but how many trawl through boxes at 2-3 or even 4 venues a week now to see whats for sale.?? thats why this scene keeps on re-inventing itself .
  15. no point now
  16. any guess what this will finish at ?when did you last see one for sale ?
  17. now I know why I dont ''get'' POPCORN........... was this not in one of the Marx Brothers movies , either that or a B grade Western musical
  18. gotta agree, have the Ron Keith and it is better IMO, you can get it for £30-40 on a demo
  19. recently sold a Five Keys on Landmark ''stop what youre doing to me'' which was a lovely multi coloured vinyl.
  20. first came out on Hot Line, then on BELL, lovely record
  21. come on who's got one ?not hard.just I am lazy and watching the £s
  22. never even checked what mine reads ? will have a look,any excuse to add a few quid
  23. yes but much better condition ''impressions'' quite hard to find,originally thought not to exist ??
  24. the flip of Joe Anderson is lovely mid tempo, best side IMO, worth it for that side alone ''how long will it last'' sure some kind soul will post up a sound bite .

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