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Everything posted by Headsy

  1. PMd you
  2. cheeky mare ,it was on his last list.........boy are you in trouble next time,
  3. updated
  4. have you tried Shifty, Miff ? best Jeff
  5. all mint minus, price includes postage RD to UK addresses, PM or e-mail to Jeffheads@btinternet.com Occasions theres no you BIG JIM £20 Masqueraders aint gonna stop AGP £25 Ledgends fear not COMMONWEALTH demo £25 Mighty Joe Young suffering soul WEBCOR £25 Onyx you never fail to amaze me b/w something youre trying to hide YEW £40 swol Brockington sisters stretch out TSOP £15 Jay J Jones I dont know about you V-TONE £30 ( nice R+B flip ) Buddy Arden youre the first DOT £20 Teddy Washington hard times MAXX £15 Cheryl Burdell giving it all to you EMT £10 Jimmy Hicks tell her that I love her BIG DEAL £15 Lonnie Brooks demonstrating CHIRRUP £20 Leah Dawson mechanical man MAGIC CITY £15 Andy Butler coming apart at the seams TANGERINE £15 Joan Moody don't do me that way TCF/SYLVIA £20 Sensations two can make it WAY-OUT £15 Ronnie and Joyce on the stage of love ALPHA £15 Billie Dearborn you need me to love you BELL demo £50 Patrice Holloway stay with your own kind CAPITOL £20 Marion Love the right to cry CAPITOL demo £20 Lee Charles wrong number Brunswick £10 Mike Jemison I want some satisfaction GENEVA £20 Paula Durante youre not my kind GJM £30 more to follow, cheers
  6. INWYS came out on two labels I believe, I have an orange one and paid £10 for it, I think the other colour goes for a little more for some reason but still a £20 tops record, I like it
  7. Lewis Clark gone and replaced with summat nice Jesse Johnson withdrawn as you are too tight to trade or buy it
  8. reduced, JJ now £500, LC now £400, open to trades,
  9. that's the thing innit, good DJs know what they are doing, mind you have seen some good DJs not get it right sometimes as well, but more often than not seen people who don't have a clue at all.had a good conversation at Burnley friday about this what is well known to some is not known to others, a good knowledgable DJ can suss out what he can play and get away with,others just bash anything and when it does'nt work revert to standard type .then again so many records to play why play the same ones.
  10. anybody got a copy of '' I sure do want someone to love me'' ?? e-mail jeffheads@btinternet.com or PM please
  11. Jesse Johnson left out Old Town WD £550 EX Lewis Clark need your lovin so bad Tigertown £450 M- price includes special delivery e-mail jeffheads@btinternet.com or PM please cheers
  12. because original issues are brown and orange , JJ's is a white demo....tuh !!boots are all orange with black text ( I think ? ) off to the shop to get some croquet GEAR now
  13. it was booted at Monarch in styrene so the boot should have the usual Monarch numbers for the 70s when loads were done ,100103 or summat like that ( 6 digits anyway which show it was pressed in the 70s ) in the run out groove.
  14. that's Dreamboys you little minx
  15. december 2006 sees this film coming out,anybody seen the musical when it was in the States ?susposedly based around the Supremes ?
  16. Nite Train ''let me baby you baby'' is it £10 or £15 ? either way great record ( at that price as well ) who says this....... '' well I like it ! ''
  17. have you tried Shifty ? sure he had one couple of lists ago for a ton ?
  18. V.I.P by them is good
  19. sold items taken off, final additions and some price drops, thats it for now.
  20. sorry Kirsty, your Dynells is now sold see ya at Wilton
  21. updated more added....more to come ta
  22. is this starting to get played on a regular basis now ?
  23. nah, got her one on BRENA.................. list updated...and xmas is cancelled unless you twats buy some more
  24. I'll give it to ya baby.....phnuff phnuff phlatt phlatt............... get Mick to treat you, do you want it and will bring it to next Wilton ?otherwise it could get sold
  25. all prices dlvd UK ( insurance £5 extra ) PM or e-mail jeffheads@btinternet.com all records are mint minus unless stated differently Hal Frazier after closing time REPRISE demo EX £75 Tina Florence too much for me baby APT £40 Dolly and the Fashions absence makes my heart grow fonder TRI-DISC £30 Billie Dearborn you need me to love you BELL demo EX+ £35 Shirley Vaughn doesnt everybody / stop and listen FAIRMOUNT demo £25 Gloria Lynne tower of strength EVEREST £40 Marion Love the right to cry CAPITOL demo £20 Magnificent Men together forever CAPITOL demo £20 Dee Irwin I only get this feeling IMPERIAL demo £20 Intruders a nice girl like you PIR UK £15 Andy Butler coming apart at the seems TRC £15 Leah Dawson my mechanical man MAGIC CITY ( gold ) £15 Jean Wells keep your mouth shut VOLARE demo £15 Patrice Holloway stay with your own kind Capitol £20 Sensations two can make it WAY-OUT £15 Lonnie Brooks demonstrating CHIRRUP £15 Symphonics it wont be long DEE-JON £15 Three Degrees find my way ROULETTE £15 Ronnie and Joyce on the stage of love ALPHA £15 Jimmy Hicks tell her that I love her BIG DEAL £15 Barbara Mason dont ever wannna lose your love ARCTIC £20 Mike Jemison I want some satisfaction GeNEVA £15 Little Johnny Blair mommas gone HOUSE OF THE FOX £15 Carol Anderson one mans woman SOUL-O-SONIC £15 Johnson hawkins tatum and Durr your love keeps drawing me closer CAPSOUL £15

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