''let your love grow'' was this booted and how do you tell the differance if it was ?not hard enough to be booted was it ? any info as always appreciated
Nancy Wilcox ''comin on strong'' and Suzy Wallis '' tell her'' are two great girly northern records , both on RCA, cant load sound clips sorry but some kind soul will
ring Gaz he has one, you obviously have a lot of time on your hands, if I paid tax I would be very annoyed at supporting you and your family.................
supply and demand innit........... so 800 x £400 is £320,000, so you keep one copy back and smash the others ,so there are only 2 copies now, then each copy is worth £160,000, simple when you think about it
alright Dobbin, nice to see you on here,
do you want '' I want some money back '' ??
if so try Rob Messer
oh......try putting this in the wants section ,Keith is a nice lad but his sales list is not the place for a want .lol
try ''Jeff the vest'' on here ( Jeff Greenhaff ) in Gateshead ,he has a demo and had it for a while, will probably do a deal on it,name JEFFTHEVEST in members