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Everything posted by Headsy

  1. you've got mail big boy
  2. basically.........these records were placed on the table at some time early on in the night ( about 11.00 ) as I asked a few people whose they were as I assumed someone wanted to sell them and had placed them next to my portable record player alongwith Mick Smith's box, my box and some other records in a cardboard mailer. maybe somebody had brought them over to play them ( but I doubt it ) so not a case of having taken them from other people's boxes ,who I am sure would have asked for them back. at about 2.30 the lid went on my box so somebody had already put them in my box maybe thinking they had come from there . also giving this thread a bump to keep it at top of page.
  3. sure it was,nt them Steve, vaguely remember sort of how the records came to be around the table but the rest is just a blur.
  4. maybe a bit early to list any ( just in case........... ) have PMd Chris in case somebody contacts him, sure in next few days it will become clear whose they are,
  5. if anybody has,then please get in touch by PM, or e-mail jeffheads@btinternet.com got some records in my sales box that are not mine, it was bit ''messy'' that night
  6. I worked there for a year in 82 ( unfortunately ) and there was a record stall in the indoor market, upstairs, mostly LPs then but god knows if the market is even still there ??
  7. I sold one 6 months ago for £30 which I thought was a fair price.
  8. PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com all EX+ unless marked £1.50 per record UK RD, Jimmy Williams standing there DYNAVOICE £40 Bobo Mr Soul hitchike to heartbreak road OVIDE £10 Bobby Womack tried and convicted MINIT £20 Ray and Dave wrong wrong wrong MICA £60 ( slight biro on label ) Marina Love the right to cry CAPITOL demo £20 Uniques blue skies CAPITOL £30 Joe Simon no sad songs SS7 £15 Patti Labelle tender words ATLANTIC demo £10 Levon and the Hawks he dont love you ..... ATCO £40 Ravenettes since youve been gone SHURFINE £30 Detroit Emeralds holding on WESTBOUND £100 Calvin Williams lonely you'll be / it wont matter at all ATCO demo £50 Sunday aint got no problems ALTEEN £75 Volumes my kind of girl INFERNO £20 Irma and Fascinators lost love SCEPTER demo £35 Danny White keep my woman home ATLAS £40 Kelly Brothers crying days are over SIMS £40 Ray Algere in my corner TOU-SEA demo ( sol ) £30 Andre Williams you got it and I want it RIC-TIC £20 Vito I'd best be going RED BOY £50 Brenad and Tabulations thats in the past DIONN demo £40.............sold Exits you gotta have money GEMINI ( green ) £40 James Kelly Duhon in school JUDE £30 Tony Talent gotta tell somebody DANDO £25...........sold Curtis Smith say you will DOMA £15 ( nice mid temp flip as well ) Deon Jackson ooh baby ATLANTIC UK £20 Variations yesterday is gone BOB-JOY £40 Moments key to my happiness STANG £25 Lorenzo Manley swoop down on you ORIGINAL SOUND £30 Lorna Doone dangerous town RCA VICTOR demo £25 ( # on label )
  9. Headsy


    PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com all records mint minus unless stated postage £1.50 recorded to UK, overseas on request. The Cheers take me to paradise OKEH £40 The Sandpipers young generation KISMET £30 Fuller Brothers moanin groanin and cryin KEYMEN £30 Gladys L-O-V-E O-GEE £30 Benny Harper done let it happen to you PHIL-LA £25 J J Barnes snowflakes b/x got to get rid of you VOLT £40 EX...............SOLD Tony Joe White polk salad Annie MONUMENT £20 Fabulous Kays its too late JARDIN £25 Gloria Jones look what you started MINIT demo £20 Betty Swann you gave me love MONEY £20 Z Z Hill dont make promises you cant keep KENT £30 Marvin Smith who will do your running now MAYFIELD £125 Barbara Mason dont ever want to lose your love ARCTIC £20 Tommy Neal going to a happening VOCALLION £40 Spellbinders we're acting like lovers COLUMBIA demo £30 Larry Williams you ask for one good reason OKEH £70 Bobby Sansom happiest days of my life ACTA demo £30 Timi Yuro whats a matter baby LIBERTY £20 Lee Rogers how are you fixed for love WHEELSVILLE £30
  10. a mate has a mint minus X on label demo for sale, £125 delivered UK or near offer, PM me to sort out or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com. thanks
  11. ta John,sorted, some prices dropped,open to offers,
  12. all mint minus unless stated, standard postage £1.50 recorded special insured, £4.50 e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com or PM please Detroit Emeralds holding on WESTBOUND £100 Jimmy Gilford nobody loves me like my baby THELMA £130 very clean record and labels !! Hugh McCracken what I gotta do to satisfy you CONGRESS demo £80 Jackie Taylor walking back JUBILEE £ 65 Garland Green girl I love you REVUE £125 Soul Notes dont make me beg WAY OUT £50 ( double centre hole but no problem, looks like a fat number 8, know what I mean ) Ad Libs think of me KAREN £75 Exsaveyons I dont love you no more SMOKE £35 Experts my love is real JO-BY £60 ( first label ) Sugar Lumps wont you help me UPTOWN EX £75 Jean Battle I got to come in CLINTONE £75
  13. Headsy


    list updated, sold items removed
  14. Headsy


    all mint minus unless stated, £1.50 RD postage for one, 20p extra per record on top of this, PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com P J Smith hold on to it SHANE £50 Sugar Lumps wont you help me UPTOWN £100 EX+ Nat Phillips swinging party QUICK £80 Jimmy Williams standing there DYNOVOICE £40 Little Charles the loner DECCA £20 Major Lance I just cant help it OKEH £15 The Soothers I believe in you PORT £20 VG++ some ring wear ,plays great Curtis Smith say you will b/w living end ESSICA £20 Patty Livingston playing with fire DIMENSION £40 Freddy and Sounds of Soul that aint right b/w youre the beat of my heart PERAL TONE £20 Bobby Womack tried and convicted MINIT £20 Billie Dearborn you need me to love you BELL demo £50 EX+ Marian Love the right to cry CAPITOL demo £20 Ray and Dave wrong wrong wrong MICA £75 ( swol ) Cory Cornell when we get married GERT £100 Andy Butler coming apart at the seems TANGERINE £20 Leon Ferrell pure unadulterated love NATION £20 Bobo Mr Soul hitchhike to heartbreak road OVIDE £15 Uniques blue skies CAPITOL £20 EX+ Joe Simon no sad songs SS7 £15 Spyder Turner cant take it anymore MGM £15 Willie Mitchell that driving beat UK LONDON £15 Sandi Sheldon youe gonna make me love you EPIC £15 Emotions stealing love VOLT demo £15 Lorna Doone dangerous town RCA demo £20 Joan Mooody dont do me that way TCF £15 Bert Hunter cheri-o ELF demo £15 Paula Durante youre not my kind GJM £20 Romy Bishop you gave me back my pride HERITAGE £30 Ethics standing in the darkness VENT £25 Sandy Wynns love belongs to everyone CHAMPION £15 Scientists of Soul be's that way sometimes KASHE £15 EX Cheers take me to paradise OKEH £40 Bell Brothers dont you know shes alright SURESHOT £20 Fuller Brothers moanin groanin and crying KEYMEN £25 Penny come see about me KELTON £40 EX+ Occasions theres no you BIG JIM ( football logo ) £15 Jean Battle got to come in CLINTONE £85 Originals good loving is just a dime away MOTOWN demo £25 Artus Sattterfield you are better AXIS £25 Fiestas sometimes storm RESPECT £25 Annette Poindexter you'll get it right back BRENA £25 Gladys love O-GEE £ 30 Deon jackson you gotta love CARLA £20 Deon jackson you said you loved me CARLA £15 Superlatives I still love you UPTITE ( plain blue ) £40 Major IV all of my love VENTURE demo £20 the following are all £10 each or 4 for £30 plus postage Bill Withers Harlem SUSSEX Parliaments look at what I alomost missed REVILOT Bobby Womack what is this JAYBOY Jqan Bradley back in circulation ADANTI Al Green let me help you BELL Al Green dont leave me BELL Odds and Ends yesterday my love TODAY Bob and earl I cant get away JAYBOY Bunny and Cindy sure didnt take long NEPTUNE Barbara Carr messing up my mind BAR=CAR Ronnie McNeir you better come on down PRODIGAL Freddie Waters this is the life REF-O-REE Dells there is CADET
  15. been looking for ages myself Steve, Davey Kirk has one but won't sell it, last saw one at lifeline weekender feb 2006 and not had a sniff since
  16. try Paul Harris ( ''soul45s'' on here ) he had one
  17. ................
  18. I have the multi coloured issue for £15 dlvd UK, mint minus.
  19. maybe people are finally now starting to realise that some records are just not as rare as the price demands, and therefore not worth the money. said many times on here by better people than me.
  20. updated and open to offers on what's left
  21. all prices include recorded delivery to UK, overseas on request, please PM or e-mail jeffheads@btinternet.com ta all mint minus unless stated, Ann Sexton I still love you Seventy Seven £15 Ledgends fear not Commonwealth demo £20 Jill Harris his kiss Capitol £15 Uniques blue skies Capitol £25 Little Charles the loner Decca £20 Emotions stealing love Volt demo £15 Billie Dearborn you need me to love you Bell demo £40 EX+ Joe Simon no sad songs Sound stage 7 £20 Patrice Holloway stay with your own kind Capitol £15 Denise Lasalle too late to check your trap Parka £20 Bett Hunter Cheri-o Elf demo £20 Terry and Marsha its a possibility Champ £30 Sandy Wynns love belongs to everyone Champion £20 Lorna Doone dangerous town RCA demo ( smol ) £20 Ted Taylor rivers invitation Atco demo £20 Andy Butler coming apart at he seems TRC £20 Mark V unlimited gone / funny changes Sagport £30
  22. also came out on ORR by the Mystics, same group ?

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