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Everything posted by Headsy

  1. Nev, contact Don Thompson, he was looking for a Kittens,
  2. list updated, sold items removed............more added
  3. all prices dlvd UK recorded delivery included, for any overseas, we will have to discuss postage, cheque or PAYPAL, add 4% for PAYPAL FEES ........sorry !! PM or e-mail Jeffheads at btinternet.com all mint minus unless stated Volumes my kind of girl INFERNO £20 P J Smith hold on to it SHANE £30 Deon Jackson ooh baby ATLANTIC UK £20 Ray Algere in my corner TOU-SEA demo £30 ( smol ) Soothers I believe in you PORT £25 label wear but vinyl is EX Melvin Davis save it b/w this love was meant to be MALA demo £30 Maian Love the right to cry CAPITOL demo £20 Archie Bell a thousand years UK ATLANTIC demo special re-issue £20 Barbara Mason dont ever want to lose your love ARCTIC EX+ £20 Calivin Williams lonely you'll be ATCO demo £50 Originals good lovin is just a dime away MOTOWN demo £30 Ethics standing in the darkness VENT £30 Dells there is CADET £10 Cody Black goin goin gone RAM-BROCK £15 Deon Jackson you gotta love CARLA £25 Deon Jackson you said you loved me CARLA £20 Occasions theres no you BIG JIM £20 ( yellow football logo ) Spyder Turner I cant take it anymore MGM £20 Scientists of Soul be's that way sometimes KASHE £25 EX Bell Brothers dont you know she's alright SURESHOT EX £20 Billie Dearborn you need me to love you BELL demo EX £40 Sugar Lumps wont you help me UPTOWN demo EX £50 Nat Phillips swingin party QUICK £75 EX+ Leon Farrell pure unaldulterated love NATION £25 Incredibles I cant get over losing your love AUDIO ARTS £20 Lee Rogers how are you fixed for love Wheelsville EX £30 Andre Williams you want it and I got it RICTIC £15 Sandpipers young generation KISMET £25 Bobby Womack tried and convicted MINIT £20 Danny White keep my woman home ATLAS EX+ £40......................ON HOLD.................. Variations yesterday is gone BOB-JOY £40 Gloria Jones look what you started MINIT £20 Benny harper dont let it happen to you PHIL-LA £30 Patty Livingston playing with fire b/w I've got my baby DEMENSION demo £40 Freddie Williams name in lights Hollywood demo £40 ( VG+ plays OK some ring wear) The EXits under the street lamps b/w you got to have money GEMINI ( green ) EX+ £40 Kelly Brothers cryin days are over SIMS £40 Tommy Neal goin to a happening UK VOCALLION £40 Spellbinders we're acting like lovers COLUMBIA demo £25 ta
  4. yes, and if you want to sell it PM me
  5. sent PM
  6. sure orange is vinyl ??
  7. yes green and white, I thought the orange press was Canadian ?
  8. surely an Appreciations demo is a bit harder to find than an isuue ? I reckon an issue is worth £50 so demo a bit more ?? all subjective of course,no doubt somebody will tell me I am wrong
  9. Nat Philips ''swinging party'' QUICK , blue vinyl, nice chugging mid-up tempo 60s, mint minus ( £80 ) and Sugar Lumps ''wont you help me'' UPTOWN, uptempo 60s dancer,. EX+ ( £60 ) and The Young Sirs ''there's something the matter'' MAGIC CITY, mid tempo 60s, VG++ ( £60 ) approx values in brackets above just to show what they are roughly worth. looking for 60s beat ballads, and 60s mid tempo , PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com
  10. try Duncan McAllister for the Brabara Lynn, ''blue nose'' is his name on here, he has/had one for sale .
  11. sorry wrong info
  12. for what it is worth..............same as mine ( R ) thin vinyl etc etc, same as yellow press but blue label ( did they just do a second run ? ) and mine is an original as confirmed by far clevererererepeople than me so just keep it, good luck
  13. got one on REDBOY, doh will send you a PM
  14. now sold for cash so gonna buy me some bootlegs
  15. as nobody bought this anybody want to offer some trades ? value to about £200 to £250 not that bothered, looking for beat ballads and 60s mid tempo, 25 £10 records is fine, the more the merrier, no bootlegs or re-issues please cheers PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com
  16. try Rob Messer at Hip City records for the Strangers, nice fella and usually good on prices.
  17. updated and bumped, don't be shy
  18. updated and bumped, don't be shy
  19. mint minus £250 insured recorded to UK
  20. and it worked cheers Steve,you have a great new year...................... pint and a curry for me,
  21. postage is £1.50 recorded, £2.50 for special delivery, overseas on request, all mint minus unless stated, PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com. Leon Farrell pure unaldulterated love NATION £25 Jean Battle I've got to come in CLINTONE £60.......................SOLD Sugar Lumps wont you help me UPTOWN £60 Calvin Williams lonely you'll be ATCO demo £50 Larry Williams you ask for one good reason OKEH £70 Bob and Earl I can't get away JAYBOY £10 Billy Quarles quit bringing up what I've done wrong RALLY £25 Curtis Smith say you will ESSICA £20 Ravenettes since you've been gone SHURFINE £30 Bell Brothers don't you know she's alright SURE SHOT £20 Deon Jackson you said you loved me CARLA £20 Scientists of Soul be's that way sometimes KASHE £20 EX Major IV all of my love VENTURE demo £20 Spyder Turner I cant take it any more MGM £15 Superlatives I still loveyou UPTITE ( blue ) £50 Occasions there's no you BIG JIM £20 Originals good lovin is just a dime away MOTOWN demo £25 Deon Jackson you gotta love CARLA £20 Timi Yuro whats a matter baby LIBERTY £20 Ethics standing in the darkness VENT £25 Barbara Mason dont ever want to lose your love ARCTIC £20 Vito and Salutations I'd best be going RED BOY £50 Sunday aint got no problems ALTEEN £65.......................... SOLD Spellbinders we're acting like lovers COLUMBIA demo £25 Tommy Neal going to a happening VOCALLION £35 Detroit Emeralds holding on WESTBOUND £75....................SOLD Kellly Brothers crying days are over SIMS £40 Exits under the street lamp b/w you gotta have money GEMINI ( green ) £40 EX+ Nat Phillips swinging party QUICK £80 Brenda and the tabulations thats in the past DIONN demo £40 Patti Livingston playing with fire b/w I've got my baby DIMENSION demo £45 Benny Harper dont let it happen to you PHIL-LA £25 Gloria Jones look what you started MINIT £20 Fuller Brothers moaning groanin and crying KEYMEN £30 Variations yesterday is gone BOB-JOY £40 Gladys LOVE O-GEE £40 Danny White keep my woman home ATLAS £40 EX+ Bobby Womack tried and convicted MINIT £20 Irma and fascinators lost love SCEPTER demo £30 EX+ Ray and Dave wrong wrong wrong MICA £50 EX+....................SOLD Sandpipers young generation KISMET £25 EX+ Andre Williams you got it and I want it RIC TIC £15 Lee rogers how are you fixed for love WHEELSVILLE £30 EX thanks and happy new year
  22. can someone please PM me with this ? many thanks
  23. you ( and a lot of others ) would do exactly the same Chris, hope you are well.............have you learned how to dance yet , you know I am just kidding,stay well and see you soon.
  24. saw you looking Mo, ask Mick to double check his sales box,maybe he has lost some , he had a lot of pressings when I looked, Casino Classics, Joe 90 and stuff like that
  25. BUMP............come on people......5 records still not claimed, they will stay with me and not going anywhere so no panic but I cannot believe somebody has forgotten about 5 records, 4 good ones and something by the Parliaments on CABELL

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