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Everything posted by Headsy

  1. mine is light blue, is that not a proper one ?
  2. list updated, sold items removed, dont be shy................
  3. ESPO ( Steve Wilson ) has an Ernie and Ed on his sales list on here
  4. all are EX+ or better unless stated, if exact grading is required just ask, can accept paypal but add 4% ( jeffheads@btinternet.com ) cheque/cash or postal order to................... Jeff Heads 10 Grove Park Crescent Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 1BP recorded delivery postage is £1.75 to UK Otis Brown will you wait LU JUNA £25 Billy Keene somebody please RONN £20 The Mob I dig everything about you COLOSSUS £15 Moments key to my happinsess STANG £20 Freddy Scott am I grooving you SHOUT £20 Exsaveyons I dont love you no more SMOKE £30 ( xol ) Sidney Barnes talkin bout a shindig BLUES TONE demo £30 Jhamels I'm not lying IGLOO £125 Mel Anton and Checkers don't treat me this way MICKAY'S £100 Roy Smith dont go away CHANTAIN £40 Ebony Jam ride on AMOS £40 ( sol ) Fabulous Peps with these eyes WEE 3 £50 ( couple of very faint scratches so graded as EX, but looks nice and shiny and plays perfectly so dont worry ) Ad Libs johnny my boy BLUE CAT DEMO £60 Marcel Strong trying to make up EMERGE £75 Pam Colquitt I done got over losing you JACKLYN £30 Tony Owens I'll be there SOULIN £50 VG++++ but plays fine and clear Ultimations would I do it over MARVLUS £20 Masqueraders I aint gonna stop AGP £20 Moon and Mars baby I'm your man b/w I'll go back MONEY £35 Carter Brothers so glad shes mine JEWEL £25 Ben E King and Dee Dee Sharp we gota thing going on ATCO £30 Betty Swann you gave me love MONEY £20
  5. anybody got one of these to sell ? thanks
  6. B side of Tony Owen is awesome down tempo, What more do you want, just buy it.
  7. Hal Frazier does a great version !!!
  8. Why not just say who it is, the truth is always best said t.
  9. I have that British release thingyajimmy with Bobby Kline, Kenny Shepherd and Reggie Alexander on, its mint minus but no idea what its worth, what do you want to pay ? I heard there were only 500 pressed so there are less of these than on BIG HIT n'est pas ?
  10. you are probably right Grant,just checked my e-bay history and it was another one I lost out to,not this one ( doh ! )
  11. old Wigan spin,I actually bid on this but was outbid .........you shoulda offered second chance
  12. what part of my post are you struggling with and what attitude ? what have what Paul and George got to do with this ? I dont know George that well apart from selling him the odd record, I know Paul quite well and certainly would never infer he was a div. how have I misrepresented the room ? I enjoy the room,always spend most of the later hours in there when I am at Radcliffe...........hear a lot of cheap ( but good ) records ,and would say that most ( not all ) of the tunes I have heard when I have been in have been lower value records that have shown imagination from the DJs. I would sooner hear somebody play a set of £10 and £20 records ( some I know and some I dont ) than hear the same expensive records all the time, you keep playing your good expensive records,you would impress me more if you played good cheap records. your English is too good for this not to come across as another example of your head being up your arse.
  13. just back from holiday so missed Radcliffe but from previous experience Paul I think you will find that they are not RARE tunes just good cheap tunes, which is what it is all about , by jove I think you might just have got it
  14. recorded postage to UK is £1.60 overseas on request cash, cheque or paypal as a gift PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com Deon Jackson ooh baby BRITISH ATLANTIC £25 Cadillacs lets get it together/ she's my conection ROULETTE demo £90 Tommy Scott pain reliever WISEWORLD £75 ( label is ever so slightly rising at centre,no problem really ) Bettye Swann fall in love with me/lonely love MONEY £15 Jimmy Love two sides to every story JOSIE £35 Truetones he's got the nerve JOSIE demo £30 Players why did I lie MINIT £30 Sam Moultrie promised land ROULETTE £20 Jimmy Holiday new breed/love me one more time DIPLOMACY £15 Sam E Solo love is not a game RUBY £60 The Dolls the reason why LOMA £30 Jimmy Jules ten karat fool ABET demo £50 Moon and Mars baby I'm your man/I'll go back MONEY £40 The Notations a new day TWINIGHT £40 Della Rae happy day GROOVE demo £25 The Artistics this heart of mine OKEH £65 The Supremes he's all I got MOTOWN £20
  15. saying as Pauls sold, anybody else want one same deal same price, mint minus
  16. whats the story on this ? is it styrene stamped only that is original and vinyl are counterfeit ................or is there vinyl proper ones ? think I may have dropped a boob selling one
  17. the following are all EX or better, for exact grade contact me PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com can take paypal as a gift, or cheques !! prices are delivered UK by recorded delivery ( overseas on request ) Harold Hutton lucky boy CHECKER £40 Otis Clay show place ONEDERFUL £15 Ben E King and dee Dee Sharp we got a thing ATCO demo £ 30 Bobby Freeman never fall in love again AUTUMN £25 Barbara Mason dont ever want to lose your love ARCTIC £20 Gloria Jones look what you started MINIT demo £20 Gladyes LOVE O-GEE £35 Herbert Hunter is'nt it wonderful to dream PONCELLO £40 Carter Brothers so glad she's mine JEWEL £25 Jimmy Holiday new breed / love me one more time DIPLOMACY £20 Chelsea Bangue get it RED FOX ( gold vinyl ) £100 ( £150 on JM ) Timi Yuro whats a matter baby LIBERTY £20 Dee Dee Warwick monday monday MERCURY £20 Sam Moultrie promised land ROULETTE £20 Five Stairsteps dont waste your time WINDY C £15 Nat Wright Mr Love MERCURY £20 Barbara George satisfied with your love SEVEN B £25 Spinners cant help but feel the pain MOTOWN £20 The Drivers rags to riches/blackbird in despair AMERICAN INTL £30 Betty Swann you gave me love MONEY £20 Classic Sullivans paint yourself in the corner KWANZA UK $ 20 Bettye Swann fall in love with me/lonely love £15 Jimmy Love two sides to evey story JOSIE £340 Dodi Marshall sweet potato/good good gravy PULSE £30 Chubby Checker everythings wrong CAMEO PARKWAY UK £25 Melvin Davis save it/never too late MALA DEMO £30 Freddie Watson unlucky seven ELOYS £20 Pattie Ward you have to wait for love ROAD £35 Edward Brothers keep on knockin/people say but they dont know MUSIC WORLD DEMO EX condition £50 Andre Scott cry in the arms of another love SUNFLOWER £30 The Top notes I love you so much ABC PARAMOUNT demo £60 Soulo Majestics I done told you baby/missing you AL-TOG £25 Suzy Wallis tell him RCA demo £40 Candace Love wonderful night AQUARIUS £20 Jesse Gee baby I need you BARRY £15 The Exotics I'm gonna never stop loving you EXCELLO £20 The Visitors I'm in danger DAKAR £20 Nancy Wilcox coming on strong RCA demo £40 James Crawford if you dont work you dont eat MERCURY £40
  18. vinyl is mint minus, cover is EX with slight fading. £45 delivered UK by recorded ( overseas on request ) PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com Paypal at no extra charge AS A GIFT ta NOW SOLD
  19. EX+ condition, £60 delivered to UK address by recorded delivery ( overseas on request ) PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com can take PayPal as a gift ta
  20. list updated and sold items removed. some prices reduced
  21. are these legal on red bird ? the re-issues I mean. did it actually come out on Red bird or was the release number not used ?
  22. list updated, plenty of good uns left
  23. al records are EX or better,most are mint minus,for exact grade just ask, PM or e-mail Jeffheads@btinternet.com WILL SPLIT PAYPAL CHARGES SO ADD 2% ONTO PRICES, chesues or postal orders or concealed cash add £ 1.75 for UK recorded postage, overseas on request. Leroy Britton you're never too young SOUND £50 Bunny Sigler for crying out loud DECCA demo £125....on hold.... Leah Dawson you got to change BIG HIT £65 James Crawford you dont work you dont eat MERCURY £50 Billy and Betty talking bout you baby SAG PORT £50 Nancy Wilcox coming on strong RCA demo £45 Adams John so in love SILVER BULL £75 Barbara Mercer call me / so real SIDRA £40 Scotty Williams fear MONA-LEE £75 Major Lance too hot to hold OKEH £40 Marvellos somethings burning LOMA £75 Robert Parker I caught you in a lie NOLA £60 Stewart Rose the grass will sing for you MO-RO £40 Entertainers love in my heart SYMBOL £100 Hank Ballard do it zula STYLE king demo £50 ( WOL )
  24. heard better soul records in the R+B room at some niters than I have in the main room...........
  25. updated,sold items removed, dont be shy with an offer if you want something

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