Which happens to be the other side of the very first "import" record i ever bought-"Didn't You Know You Have to Cry Sometime" is simply phenominal.
Also have soft spot for Friendship Train and the other side-You need Love Like I Do( may to time to give it a revival)
Ain't You Glad You Chose Love
Stop & Get A Hold of Yourself :thumbsup:
This could become quite a list
Yes, it was quite enjoyable.
As an aside, I picked up a copy of Jnr Walker- Cleos Mood on Soul, very neatly stamped " Coast to Coast",
which could be a record shop I guess,
but equally I could own a telly star
I cannot find the words to express how much I hate this unadultered bag of sh*te.
And while we're discussing p*ss poor instrumentals of p*ss poor Pop records..
WTF is Dizzy -Lester Lanin all about ??