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Citizen P

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Everything posted by Citizen P

  1. I'm convinced, in me own head anyway, that it is something quite well known and obvious ... Tony
  2. Nah, I 've listened to all those... It's none of 'em... B*gger Tony
  3. Phew, what a relief--any idea of a title Steve ?? T
  4. Made my day.. T
  5. Listened to this properly, recently. I am sure it has the same backing as something else. Or am I puddled ?? T
  6. B*llocks Sussed.. T
  7. As YT gets blocked at work, and there is no clue.......AGAIN. I'm guessing that's the Soul Twins Tony
  8. Not an allnighter, but one of my earliest 1972 ( possibly late '71) At a Salford Cabaret Club ( if you can believe that!!), "The Georgian Club" The Mighty Ben E. King. and in the same bill Del Shannon I sh*t you not. T
  9. Well , possibly The Coasters Crazy Baby might have been one, seeing as by the early 70's they'd have been decicidely uncool.
  10. Weelll, seeing as it's just been discussed Paul Anka as Johnny Caswell as a bleedin' obvious example T
  11. Think Salmon has one is his sales box. Tony
  12. Euro Boot then Pete ?? Tony
  13. I don't care what they call him, that Grant's all right --- T
  14. Steve not been in touch ?? T
  15. A friend of ours (Carl Wong) bought this from Soussans list, (I'm guessing early '73-definately pre Wigan anyway)-under it's still cover up name Johnny Caswell, when it arrived the labels had been ripped off...
  16. Yup, Transporter 3 I think.. Holly Golightly, now who the f*ck brought that to her attention ?? T
  17. I will grudgingly allow that the Love Affair version of Everlasting Love is better than Robert Knights. But, David Ruffins version is better than that.. Tony
  18. Great Big Liar is awesome out LOUD. Follow your Heart is another top double sider- Can you Dig It ?? Tony
  19. Ah, but a 100% Wool Axminster with a top end underlay surely would T
  20. I was quite the Evangelist in the 70's, just couldn't understand why everybody didn't love "Our" music. Nowadays I just think, if they get it, they get it. If They don't F8ck 'em Tony
  21. Wouldn't mind a Big Bird to Hang On to meself... Only got the Tower pressing Grant sorry..( But I don't play it out) T
  22. Thought it was supposed to be an individual thing ?? "You don't need to Dance like me. You don't NEED to dance like anybody. You are all individuals" " YES; WE ARE. WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS !!" " I'm not". With apologies to Brian Cohen T
  23. Which leads to a question I've never had an answer to. IF styli are manufactured from Diamond, how does playing soft vinyl wear them out ??? Tony
  24. Bunny Sigler-Will you Love me tomorrow- Odd choice I'd have said. tony
  25. If we re examine Krissiis' statement-the implication is that OVO supporters are out to make money on ther OVO. Well-unless they have multiple copies of big ticket tunes ( hardly likely), surely the booters with 1000s of copies at a tenner are gonna please the bank manager more. Tony

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