Nothing wrong with 'Ghost in my House' IMO, tis a great tune (as is 'Apples Peaches etc'). what is wrong is the last few times i have heard i
TAGIMH out (about 4 in the last 10 years) is that no one claps to it, where you're supposed to clap!
A few months ago i was asked for 'All Over The World' which made me cringe. not cos its a bad record, its just not 'me' - it just somehow made me cringe. its a floor packer - but that doesn't mean i am going to go and buy it or play it - unlike some, who i am sure who will play a tune whether they (the DJ) like it or not.
strangest one was when i was DJing and a non-soulie (how the hell, a non soulie got into the venue i don't know - outrageous lol) asked for '3 gays at the bar' (or whatever the hit tune was called) and after scanning the bar area i realised that it was a request, and not a statement.
'no, i haven't' i said to him, 'but ask the next DJ, he's bound to have it'