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foolish girl

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About foolish girl

  • Birthday 14/08/1959

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  • Top Soul Sound
    Marie Knight that aint no way to treat a girl

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  • A brief intro...
    Here for the music

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  1. Nite nite chick RIP x
  2. foolish girl

    soul 00112

    nah laughing my head off just seen ya pop outside for a quikie TAKE MY PICTURES OFF STICK THE WOMEN ON YA WA SHAGGIN
  3. foolish girl


  4. . Northern to me is more than baggy trousers and a few back drops and carrying a record box about, its all down to passion at the end of the day and the way of life. You gotta feel it to appreciate it. Well said and this is why we can sit back and groan at others attempts to emulate us They' just dont know' At the end of the day you can buy it or not
  5. just thinking about being an extra ............. I'm the same age now as my mum was when she said to me "behave yourself at eileens house this w/e" little knowing we were off to wigan and eileens mum thought eileen was at my house ............. any parts for an irate mum lol
  6. Northern soul sausage and chips Yum !served up by Night Nurse - THE soul doctor and Bryn 6 Hills Presented by the Robin Hood Scooter Club eaten and enjoyed by the East Midlands Scooter Alliance
  7. foolish girl

    The Shed

    Them in the corner.... popular people despite coming from Burton lol Secret is they got loads of snax and they share
  8. foolish girl

    bryns b day bash

    some of the boozy mad people ...enjoying getting older and some of the young uns enjoying being young
  9. was this the bloke or did i get the wrong film
  10. Now you see it now you dont - but once seen never forgotten sooooooooooo SAD

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