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Everything posted by Fdsoul6345789

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  2. PRESENTING THE FANTASTIC VIOLINAIRES Anyone got a copy for sale. thanks
  3. anything on this label for sale please let me know thanks
  4. Have you any left? Looking for 2 if you have any. best regards Fraser fdsoul6345789@aol.com
  5. Anyone got a copy of this for sale. King 6115 - She Cried Just A Minute Please let me know, cheers
  6. Every Saturday LIVE on www.subcity.org at TWO till FOUR Something for everyone with a LISTEN AGAIN feature all with playlists COME AND JOIN US WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU WITH US
  7. Crystals I Got A Man U.a.
  8. Anyone got a copy of RUBY AND THE MUDFLAPS -- BREEZY For sale please let me know thanks
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  9. Anyone got a copy for sale. Let me know cheers fdsoul6345789
  10. Anyone got one for sale?
  11. Trying to complete 45s by HOAGY LANDS on SPECTRUM. Also after 45 by ART NEVILLE on SANSU - HEARTACHE Hope you can help fraser fdsoul6345789
  12. Need a copy of this 45 for the old collection. Anybody got a copy for sale. Let me know please, CHEERS
  13. Same point applies to Dri as a Bone. Original is in CD format so why not play the cd of R Kelly
  14. Ball park figure you are looking for this as I have no idea what it is worth other than it is a great 45. Thanks fdsoul6345789
  15. It will always be a Desert Island Disc for me ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT
  16. Hi Derek, long time no see my mate. Hope you are well sir Keep in touch and thanks for the info on here respect. FD
  17. Dave Simmons Radio one show was quite good, although he lacked pedigree, but he played lots of new releases and had a link up with a US disc jockey. Got to disagree there, about him being quite good I thought he was compulsive listening on RADIO 1 every Saturday evening FIVE O'CLOCK Till SIX THIRTY. STILL LOOKING FOR ANYONE THAT HAS TAPES OF HIS SHOWS. PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE ANY FROM HIS SHOWS. MUCH APPRECIATED fdsoul6345789
  18. Anyone got recordings of the DAVE SIMMONS SHOW that went out on Saturdays on RADIO 1. Will be very keen to hear from anybody that has some on old cassettes etc. Any help much appreciated. Will pay for any that you may have copies of. Thanks. best regards and respect Fraser fdsoul6345789
  19. I think so JIm will look them out and get back to ya sir.
  20. Best bet is Gordon Couch he is still in contact with him as far as I know Jim. best regards Fraser.
  21. SOUL JUNCTION bring out quality soul offerings for us to enjoy. A great label that deserve you support. I have had the priviledge of playing all of Soul Junctions material on my show every Saturday on SOULFUL ALLSORTS on www.subcity.org. Great music, great label a must buy. fdsoul6345789
  22. THE END OF AN ERA What is happening to our soul scene? I have never been to the Wilton and more is the pity. What the Wilton stands for in my humble opinion is what the soul scene was is and was always about. Listening and travelling to hear new music. Whether it be from the present day to going way back. I know that times are difficult cost of living etc, but venues of this magnitude should never be allowed to die. That is what is happening to the Wilton. Dave and Mouse have valiantly kept this running despite being out of pocket and not by just a small amount often running into hundreds of pounds. That could not be continued. Where are the regulars to this venue?. You know what will happen the ones that abandoned it will be the first to run kicking and screaming shouting WHY DID IT HAVE TO END. Dave, Val and Mouse along with others deserve a medal for carrying on despite all the setbacks such is there commitment to the music, always gracing the nights with the cream of DJs for our enjoyment. I know for a fact what it takes to run nights and it ain't no easy task, far from it. This is not only happening to the Wilton it is happening to venues such as Lifeline etc, Nights that bring all the people together and celebrate soul music at its very best. So the solution lies with you the punter and lovers of the music. GET ALONG TONIGHT AND SUPPORT THE WILTON. Respect to you all fdsoul6345789
  23. Hi Dave, a truly brill 45 would love to own it but YARMOUTH Looms mate. If it is still there when I get back then we can talk about it. Cheers mate. Speak soon.
  24. Hi there, anyone got any copies of Barbarl Lynn Tribe 45s for sale. Please let me know fdsoul6345789

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