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Everything posted by Fdsoul6345789

  1. sorry once again age does come at a cost lol
  2. sorry about that sir --- FRASER DUNN, 130 BALDWIN AVENUE, GLASGOW, G13 2JU
  3. Hi Larry, still no SHIRELLES album yet? Please let me know, thanks.
  4. Thank you sir record arrived safe and sound. Cheers for that best regards Fraser.
  5. Is this paypal address correct -- swaggy1958@hotmail.co.uk tried it several times and it does not work.
  7. That's great, if you can keep till the weekend I will send for it. Hope you can oblige, cheers
  8. Hi there, interested in the SOUNDBREAKERS 45 if still available. Please let me know, thanks. best Fraser.
  9. Cheers for that sir. Monday is great for me.
  10. Hi Larry thanks for the prompt reply. Won't be able to get the funds till Monday due to Grandpa babysitting duties. Hope this OK Let me know, thanks
  11. Hi there, very interested in The Shirelles album. Please let me know if still available, thanks. best regards Fraser.
  12. Been looking for a copy of this film for some time now. Anyone got a copy to buy?
  13. Hi Alan, do you still have the LEE FIELDS 45 for sale. If so please let me know details, thanks. best Fraser
  14. Details on how to buy a copy of the 45 please.
  15. Any copies left of the RONNIE WALKER 45? Would like to buy one please. Let me know, thanks Fraser.
  16. Loooooooooooooooooooooooong time want mate out of my price range mate. Hope you are well sir.
  17. Hi Don, still got the DJ Ortofon for sale £35. Let me know mate, cheers
  18. I know it is a long shot but do you still have the SKIP CUNNINGHAM 45 for sale? Please let me know, thanks
  19. Have you still got the VOLUMES. Interested please let me know, thanks
  20. Hi there, a long shot I know but do you still have THE TROPICS 45 for sale. Please let me know, thanks best regards Fraser
  21. Wanted CONNIE AUSTIN on KING Let me know
  22. Wanted - anyone got a copy for sale. THE INTERNATIONAL FIVE - SO IN LOVE WITH YOU
  23. Anyone got any 45s on the CLE AN THAIR label for sale. Please let me know what you have for sale, cheers
  24. Hi Sean, when is the official release of the 45. Need a copy bad mate. Let me know, cheers best fraser

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