To many of us of a certain age he was THE MAN the voice of Soul Music in the U.K. for me and like minded people he was the voice of the Black Music Movement in this country to some, he was too political and voiced his opinion whether asked for or not but to my mind, it was his way of expressing his thoughts and views having seen for himself when pioneering the way for black artists to visit this country. When Soul was in its infancy he saw for himself the struggle these artists and acts had to go through just to get there records heard and played. He above others knew what it was like to be put down and not given the right backing even when the record was a great tune. WE WILL NEVER SEE HIS LIKE AGAIN. He was a champion of our music always writing about it and letting us know of some of the finest music to come out of the US. He was part of my unbringing into Soul Music and HE WILL BE SADLY MISSED not only by me but I am sure by thousands of other like minded up and down the length and breadth of the UK.
DAVE GODIN -- R.I.P. 2004