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Everything posted by Fdsoul6345789

  1. I'm in again lads just let me know what the theme is then we're off and running. Chris, have mailed you my details for the swap. fdsoul6345789
  2. Anyone got one for sale please let me know. CHEERS Ci Ci - Hypnotized - Creative Funk fdsoul6345789
  3. Hi Sean, Indeed Billy Jones was in fact an Ex Serviceman that settled in the Netherlands and brought out some great tracks as for the track your after I may have a spare but don't hold your breath mate as I am not certain that I still have it. Was if my memory serves me well played at Yarmuff around five/six years ago in the lounge by Dave Halsall who put me on to it. Also there was a limited CD put out several years on a limited press by Harry of Hans and Harry fame that came over from Holland to Yarmuff to play the Lounge. I have a copy of this cd and is well worth tracking down. The vinyl LP has some nice tracks on of which are included in the CD. Being a vinyl nut as you know I have the vinyl album as well. All are well worth tracking down. I will have a good look for you on the racks at home to see if I still have a spare mate but I ain't promising anything. As for Mr Helliwell having good taste YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT. See ya both soon mates. BILLY JONES = BLUE ELEPHANT. I think the confusion comes from the fact that the label on some of the 45s are coloured PINK but the name on the label is BLUE ELEPHANT. fdsoul6345789
  4. is this the Michael Higgins from Scotland? if so FRASER DUNN says hello mate get in touch. fdsoul6345789
  5. Hi guys, feel I must add my take on Mexborough and to dispel the myths that for me did not exist. I was working in Mexborough with The South Yorkshire Times and were some of the happiest times I spent on the soul scene. I was a regular at Jesters and the Brickyard and those times for me hold a special place in my heart. To say the locals were a bit rough is a gross injustice as coming from Glasgow I was used to some dodgy places. But I will hear none of the comments as regards the people I met when living down there as they made me very welcome and made my stay down there a pleasure. I even had a couple of spots in Jesters at the top of the hill. It was a great venue and the Brickyard was equally just as good for the sounds and the company. And to make things even better it was only round the corner from where I stayed. Spent many a hour in the company of my workmates in The Boy and Barrell. Yes fond memories indeed and ones that I will never forget. fdsoul6345789
  6. I'd like a copy of the list when it is ready. Thanks. fdsoul6345789
  7. Got to agree with you Bazza a great record and one that brings back such sweet memories of bygone days AH JUST LOVE IT! fdsoul6345789
  8. Take care of yersel big man. See you soon hopefully. fdsoul6345789
  9. First record bought - 60 MINUTES OF YOUR LOVE - HOMER BANKS Last record bought - (just opened it) OO LA WE - THE YOUNGHEARTS Never can I quench my thirst for vinyl and loving every minute of it YEAH!!!! fdsoul6345789
  11. HI sean glad you liked my cd thank you for the positive feedback, looking forward to getting the 45 fdsoul6345789
  12. Think the blues guy went under the name of "BIG GEORGE JACKSON" he has several CDs to his credit as far as I know John fdsoul6345789@aol.com
  13. Hi John as I said in my opening post I am just CURIOUS
  14. I was having a conversation with one of my mates at a soul night on Saturday and the subject of the 45 by GEORGE JACKSON = "I Don't The Time To Love You" on Mercury and he said he had heard that he was white anybody confirm this as I always thought he was black. Anybody out there able to confirm this - JUST CURIOUS to know if this is right. fdsoul6345789
  15. Hi Guys just to let you know that I posted my CD to all Today TUESDAY, so it should be dropping through your doors in the next couple of days. Hope you enjoy some of my humble efforts. Any problems with cds etc,. please get in touch. best fdsoul6345789
  16. fdsoul6345789 Hi Guys, haven't forgotten quite the opposite as I made my original about a week ago then when I went to start copying the cds my CD burner has developed a fault and only gets to track 15 then when I tried again it did not want to burn at all. Will get the copies done next week for definite. Those who have sent me copies many thanks look forward to getting many more. Please be patient, thanks best regards FRASER
  17. Hi There, if there is still room can I be included in the cd swap please. Fraser Dunn. Album only tracks sounds great guys. fdsoul6345789@aol.com
  18. ANYBODY GOT A TAPE OF THIS SERIES Please can I have a copy of this Let me know. fdsoul6345789@aol.com
  19. Well I have admit to all I am in the same boat as Christian and others on this forum. I have been waiting for more than SIX MONTHS for a 45 I ordered from this b****** despite all my emails almost THIRTY and phone calls which he said on one occasion that he had sent me the said 45 only to then say he had to send me a second copy of my 45 which needless to say did not arrive either. Then he went silent on me and refused to answer his phone. THIS GUY IS A CHEATING B****** DO NOT DEAL WITH HIM. I cannot afford for this to happen as I sacrifice enough in order to buy records without being ripped off like this. Avoid this guy at all costs. As banning him from Soul Source from advertising and attempting to sell anything again it gets my vote. fdsoul6345789
  20. Read this thread with great interest. My personal take on this subject is in my humble opinion is that I like the sound of black America and no Glaswegian can in my book be considered to be a soul singer. If you live for this music like I do and do not go off and think that I have a better opinion than anyone else I just like my music to of the SOUL variety and Mr Pellow no matter how good or bad the record sounds he don't in my book come into the category of guys like SOLOMON BURKE, BARBARA ACKLIN, FREDDIE HUGHES, OTIS, WILSON P, BOBBY WOMACK. How anyone can give credence to some of the PURE SHIT that gets hailed as soul is beyond me. Sometimes I feel I have been in a different room when I hear some of the dross that gets played on the NORTHERN scene as it's far removed from REAL soul and usually just bad pop music. Would like to pick up on the point made earlier as to the brilliant records overlooked for various reasons too common, not rare enough etc. Instead garbage records masquerading as soul get played to the detrement of this crap. Real soul is by artists mentioned by SEAN and JOCK guys that take the time to actually listen to the music as opposed to some who just look for a certain beat that can be danced to who gives a flying F*** who sings it as long as it meets the criteria. And just for the record I would be first in the queue to boo MR PELLOW off the stage if I had been there. and I AM GLASWEGIAN. fd.
  21. Hi Sean, can't really comment as to why the dwindling attendances at the local do's but a few things I think have to be taken into account at to why this is happening. Totally agree with you that a night such as you describe in Derby with a great line up such as MR GOUCHER and co deserves to be well attended and if it cannot attract a good crowd then it is such a shame, as for the Canal Tavern, Thorne don't think we will see the likes of that again - don't get me started beginning to get the hankies out when I think of it WHAT A VENUE. I basically think there are THREE reasons for the dwindling attendances. 1. FAR TOO MANY NIGHTS ON COMPETING FOR AN ALREADY REDUCING TRAVELLING CROWD. 2. COST INVOLVED WITH TRAVELLING A REALITIVELY SHORT DISTANCE IN COMPARATIVE TERMS, PETROL COSTS AND IF THE VENUE IS A LONG DISTANCE PEOPLE OF THE OPINION THAT THEY FEEL THE NEED TO STAY OVER AT A LOCAL HOSTELRY THAT BRINGS THE COST TO A SOARING AMOUNT. 3. PEOPLE LIKE MYSELF AND YOURSELF COLLECT VINYL DISCS YOU KNOW THOSE PESKY LITTLE THINGS THAT GET UNDER YOUR SKIN AND YOU HAVE TO OWN, THE COST OF THOSE RECORDS HAS RISEN ENORMOUSLY IN RECENT YEARS AND PEOPLE MAKE A DECISION TO CARRY ON COLLECTING AND NOT ATTENDING SO MANY THINGS AS THEY WOULD FAR RATHER BUY RECORDS. THEREFORE SOME TIMES YOU JUST CAN'T AFFORD TO DO BOTH. HOPE YOU START UP PITCHES AS IT WAS BY ALL ACCOUNTS A MAGIC VENUE RUN BY SOUL FANATICS AND VINYL FREAKS AS YOURSELF, JOHN BENSON AND KEV BRISCOE Plus THE ONE AND ONLY ANDY The Tats TAYLOR. BEST OF LUCK MATE FRASER
  22. Very sad state of affairs MONEY HAS TAKEN OVER when will these people learn that NOBODY BUT NOBODY IS BIGGER THAN THE MUSIC. Just vote with your feet and don't go. FD
  23. I like Sean am an avid soul fan and hanker after new sounds all the time after all guys we won't live to be 300 years old just how old these people think we will be attending venues as when they bypass things that are new in order to STORE THEM AWAY for a later time until they think the fans are ready to accept them what kind of bollocks is that I SAY LET'S HEAR THE SOUNDS NOW not in five or ten years time I want to hear as much as I can before I go to the great allnighter in the sky. fdsoul
  25. Speaking of O. T. SYKES anybody got any records for sale by him? filling some gaps in my collection Let me know Cheers fdsoul6345789@aol.com

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