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Diddy Morgan

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Everything posted by Diddy Morgan

  1. i wonder who uncovered joe mathews or did richard reveal it himself, although the exclusiveness of that one record attracted thousands to the casino,so maybe not!!
  2. so come on who are the uncoverers ill say brother louis brown ,now who can honestly say they new it was wilson pickett 1st
  3. no mate youre gettin confused with the discoverers oh wait a minute it was the undercoverers i think
  4. i went to allnighters from 16 years old and cover -ups were the norm , circa ..78 to well now !,but who were the guys finding out who the records were by ,one night i remember vividly searling introducing frankie karl and stipulating it wasnt the 7th avenue aviators which id just seen in 3 different boxes in the bar. so who were the major uncoverers (if thats a legit word)
  5. would that be little ann -when hes not around,covered as rose valentine and the sisters 3 . 15 years or so i reckon
  6. oh now i see item im blind
  7. i know iive looked ken seems he forgot to list item ..rare as hens teeth..,he may be a novice at listing
  8. im lookin but where is it !!
  9. we attended an alldayer @the casino 1981 about 40 people there including the djs!!!!.would ave been a few months before closure as it was summer .
  10. only ever seen searling dance @ wigan and parkers mancesters i think !!
  11. bobby thurston.................. just ask me , this can not be improved,a fact!!
  12. i seem to remember when the flasher became very popular stomping was the in thing to be able to do
  13. you didnt buy it of dave moore ???
  14. just found another one in my box jewel akens.. slice of the pie , and its a demo,so are all stickers on demos?
  15. this question may have been asked before but.. where do the gold "mr chips" stickers actually come from as a number of my 45s have them.the last one on a tamla w/d goin to a go go,which i purchased from a seller in delaware .also has anyone seen one on a non-soul 45 with one on.try removing one at your peril its dug in like an alabama tick!!!!!. diddy.
  16. theres 2 on popsike $105 and $75 if thats any help
  17. ive been using two line lyrics in my wifes cards for years. eg ........im just a knave but i feel like king, cos my girl has the beauty of a queen . fantastic four. for a while she thought i was another burt bacharach, so i had to confess i was stealing them of the soul records , the george kirby, cadet outing .. what can i do.. great lyrics
  18. still got my issue of eddy jacobs exchange, was a pat brady spin if i remember rightly
  19. also gimme some lovin was very popular in mr ms'
  20. were coming on the 28th also mark, six of us up to now is it a good place to sell vinyl its our 1st visit
  21. cashing in................. would be apt
  22. my mate just got this on okeh its stamped . however it is the instrumental of right track and boston monkey is this common for this release
  23. ive got a copy now, many thanks to everyone for their replys. diddy

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