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Gold Band

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Everything posted by Gold Band

  1. Wasn't there a carver of Freddie Butler played at wigan as Ed Wingate before it's later release on pied piper? From the Dab Of Soul LP Kirsty
  2. I Think the first to play it new it was a cheap find & may I say that most collections have charity shop records in them as it's always been a cheap option & far from elitist!! Kirsty
  3. Wasn't Richard Temple, Larry Atkins - Lighten Up Baby? Kirsty
  4. Steve, Your spot on, Frankie from a Female perspective hmmm let me think ah yes they used to be Lambrini Girls now I believe that they are called Prosecco Girls apparently a bit more up market another term for either is "Piss Head" Usually stand around in herds surrounding hambags (a term for handbags for females who carry crisps & other food) not interested in the music as it dosen't matter what a DJ plays they can usually talk or screech over 100 Db so can quite easily compete with a good or quality sound system. There seems to be no etiquette or manners as the dancefloor is a place to have a laugh at everyone elses expense & oh! a good set of heels is a must. Kirsty
  5. Cleared that up in my head was released in 1993 so I have been confused for a long time Thank You Kirsty
  6. Old topic but wasn't the Chubby Checker - You Can't Lose Something You Never Had (Kent 6T 9) originally thought to have been Jimmy Radcliffe are we sure the "Baby Please" was Jimmy? Jimmy Radcliffe - Baby Please (Half).mp3
  7. Have I tagged this wrong as I can't remember where I had it from & I can't find it anywhere on the net? anyone help is it an album track? Cheers Kirsty Bobby Womack - Do You Love Me (Like You Used To Do) 2.mp3
  8. Cheers Pete, Just received my email with the Audio File transfer (works great). Kirsty (Keep up the good work)
  9. I don't think that this can be considered scrounging Pete & what a lovely little guy Louie is, Tree of Hope is a great charity & I'm pretty sure if you put up a link for people to purchase these CD's Mike would be more than happy. all the luck with the target yours in admiration Kirsty
  10. Gentlemen, Gentlemen what you do in your spare time is entirely up to you but when you start talking about much longer versions & monsters I will be looking to the censors to lock you off this site, please try to keep your personal body parts out of your publications. Thank You Yours Snootily Kirsty
  11. Still no tracklist Cris can you put one up? Kirsty
  12. Who was the Verdell Watts C/U Chalky? Didn't Sam Have A Verdell Watts C/U O T Sykes? Kirsty
  13. N.B.P. All the way for me all those unissued tracks that never get an airing only played as MP3's or CD at home could be a fantastic night that should do away with the OVO arguments. That's until someone boots them & starts playing them out at events up & down the country. It would be sad that people would be able to listen & dance to music recorded that was never released as at the time it was considered not good enough for issue. There are some crap unearthed sounds but there is also some top tunes that have been discovered either released or not. But as some have said on this site there are some dedicated people on here that have unearthed some real gems either on tape or on acetates from vaults around the world & I for one congratulate them on bringing me new sounds to listen to whether they are to my personal taste or not as hey were not all the same. but I did like the Vegans with steak gag. P.S DJ's will do what they want, I now what events I would rather attend personally but I suppose I am just SELFISH!!!! Me Myself & I all the way. Kirsty
  14. I Just told my parents was stopping at a mates, Many a free train ride mainly male conductors who wouldn't go anywhere near the toilets if a softly spoken female voice answered for ticket call, they usually said they would come back later but never did must have been more gentlemanly in the 70's. But wasn't that the point that we were out numbered 3 to one, It made the nights all the more interesting!!! (On the dance floor) P.s. will not be commenting any further as being a female of the species I have a great memory so I wouldn't want to spoil it or embarrass friends of my youth Kirsty
  15. Paul, why the need to pigeon hole or categorise forms of dancing. Most people get on the dance floor to enjoy themselves. There are only two kinds of dancer the non aggressive luckily that's the vast majority & the aggressive dancer the move over I'm on the dance floor so keep out my way as I own the dance floor & I'm gonna show you all how it's done. May I say from my observations some of the said aggressive dancers are good, Usually the ones that apologise for requiring a large space on the dance floor & I have watched in ore at the fantastic spectacles that I have witnessed but others should drink less & not presume that alcohol has some kind of magic powers that can turn them into a dancer) you know who you are I hope Kirsty
  16. Stubbsy isn't that a profile picture of you in fancy dress? Kirsty (From Up Norf)
  17. Still cannot understand the need for a boot of any kind in a collection as the vast majority of soul music can be purchased on CD or streamed on the net if listening pleasure is all that is desired. if people stopped buying the shite & did their homework first then maybe, just maybe a lot of these clone addicts may give it up. I like to venture out to hear OVO as I know that the said DJ's who play OVO have loved cherished & sold their families so that I and other like minded people can Listen & Dance to what a true collector & dedicated lover of soul has to offer his captive audience. Rant Over Kirsty (PS tried to avoid Cap Lock)
  18. Probably on the Dance floor enjoying themselves to a bit of fun music that's been around since "God wer a lad" most have danced to all the above tracks at one time or another pissed or sober but sssshhhh the soul police might catch you!!!!!!!!!! Kirsty
  19. Does anyone know what label this is on? Cheers Kirsty
  20. Was it this tried to embed the link Kirsty
  21. Did anyone get a copy before the video went down. That they can put up? Kirsty
  22. I have the same problem with him indoors (Brain Fade) luckily like most women I can usually remember most of the places I have been & much to his annoyance I can remember word for word what he's said where & when but I suspect most men find that with the Ladies in their lives ! Kirsty
  23. Here you are Cod Can remember the changing cubicles at the top on each side And about ten concrete seating areas each side all the way along the pool that stepped up from the dance floor the pool had been covered with a top wooden dance floor really springy. Kirsty

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