I think that I may have misunderstood what was being discussed here, I thought that the topic was about children at all nighters, A child to me is under 13 years of age, teenagers have their own minds & they usually know what they like & dislike musically or fashion wise. So as far as this topic goes they make up their own minds in which direction to go whether it is the latest musical craze or any other musical genre that has passed before including soul music. So if a teenager attends a nighter I'm fine with that as long as they're not getting drunk & being sick everywhere & not annoying anybody, as I said previously were all young once & by 13 years of age I had decided which music I liked. So if parents feel comfortable with their teenage off springs with them (Which I'm Not as mine wouldn't be the slightest bit interested) & they are genuinely interested in soul music & not there to annoy other soulies then I'm quite happy for them to attend, so having said all that could the author of this topic Imberboy please tell me if he means children under 13 or teenagers under 18's as I believe there is a difference well at least there was when I was a teenager.