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Gold Band

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Everything posted by Gold Band

  1. Buy me now at $600 dollars on ebay same seller? SOUI https://cgi.ebay.com/rare-modern-soul-45-Push-You-Turn-Me-On-M-HEAR_W0QQitemZ300572012144QQcategoryZ306QQcmdZViewItem?clk_rvr_id=244433865104
  2. Vashons on Delle
  3. Dante this track epitomises New Breed to me, this is from 64 great track!!!!! /more/soul-library/31656-little-emmett-sutton-lot-of-money/
  4. Chris one went in April https://cgi.ebay.com.sg/rare-Soul-Funk-45-95TH-CONGRESS-world-today-SUSSEX-/310309890614?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item483fe92a36 one minute clips attached
  5. Yes I was one of those annoying young kids at 14 what a naughty girl? Jeanette Harpur - Pick Me Up And Put Me In Your Pocket (you could have done back then) Don Thomas - Come On Train (Because its very cold waiting on the platform at the bottom of the hill) Barnaby Bye - Can't Live This Way (Avoiding the Local Yobs who obviously hated us)
  6. What's really ironic is that they filmed this lightweight, superficial and irrelevant tosh in an empty Haigh Hall at Wigan. Meanwhile on the same day more than 3,000 soulies were filling Pontins at Prestatyn for the soul weekender! Spot On Dave
  7. re-issue Ken Rare as hens teeth as it's the hardest of the hull label to get, no doubt someone will give you a price for the genuine article & the run out stamp code for the said article. Your copies worth £5 to £20.
  8. My husband loves to play the find the cover up game & he thinks that DJ's do a fantastic job, but he says that people have got to remember that DJ's also enjoy their work & some even get paid a decent wedge for it. Most people have seen flynny's list on anoraks corner the other half has a list with around a thousand on it that he has used to chase the records that he desires not all may I add. Obviously there is another list of cover ups that he has yet to discover or uncover but if you like a track & you do uncover it or hear whispers in the right corners then there may still be a chance of getting what you want at the right price & what an immense feeling of satisfaction that brings, as most collectors on here will testify. We feel that what people need to recognise is it is all but a game that most DJ's & collector like to play. There are also a lot of paying punters out there that like to hear records break on the scene whether it be covered up or not & travel distances to hear the sounds that they like. So with that said maybe it's time to chill but please remember this if people do uncover your cover-ups don't always expect people to stay quiet, as once they have acquired the said vinyl it may increase the value by announcing it to one & all, as long as they know that there's not too many about.
  9. Nick I take it that its a yes from you then !!
  10. /more/soul-library/16759-billy-arnell-the-greatest-story-ever-told/ Ones on the bay finish's 28th march 2011 need to type in the real title supposed to have been signed by the real artist ? $800 nought t'do with me & I don't know if it's genuine or not. no feed back for the seller?
  11. After all the fuss I would also like to know how many ticket paying (punters) customers attended each of the venues we all know that all were attended by or promoted on this site.
  12. On You Tube click below
  13. Wasn't Black Daylight - Ride With Us (Firesign) a more recent uncovered track?
  14. Jimmy Slim and The Blues 5 - Sweet Chicago (Rika 109) From Flynny Jimmy Slim and The Blues 5 - Sweet Chicago -
  15. I think that I may have misunderstood what was being discussed here, I thought that the topic was about children at all nighters, A child to me is under 13 years of age, teenagers have their own minds & they usually know what they like & dislike musically or fashion wise. So as far as this topic goes they make up their own minds in which direction to go whether it is the latest musical craze or any other musical genre that has passed before including soul music. So if a teenager attends a nighter I'm fine with that as long as they're not getting drunk & being sick everywhere & not annoying anybody, as I said previously were all young once & by 13 years of age I had decided which music I liked. So if parents feel comfortable with their teenage off springs with them (Which I'm Not as mine wouldn't be the slightest bit interested) & they are genuinely interested in soul music & not there to annoy other soulies then I'm quite happy for them to attend, so having said all that could the author of this topic Imberboy please tell me if he means children under 13 or teenagers under 18's as I believe there is a difference well at least there was when I was a teenager.

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