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Gold Band

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Everything posted by Gold Band

  1. Me, Myself & I prefer the Mad Lads version it's the more up-tempo version for me.
  2. With the Professionals on ebay at present I have been wondering who likes which version the best. 1.Steve Mancha - Did My Baby Call (Wheelsville 102) 1965 2.Professionals - Did My Baby Call (Groove City 101) 1967 3.The Mad Lads - Did My Baby Call (Volt 4080) 1972 4. Or the latest unissued release Joey Kingfish - Did My Baby Call (Sonic Wax 013) What do you think or has the Question been asked before? Kirsty
  3. 73ish had enough of Glam Rock started Travelling around 76 bit naughty at 14 but hey some of us had to be adventurous & it was duly noted that not all at the time were happy with the youth club brigade getting into the serious side of the music, afraid to say that after kids it took a back burner but were all human (I Hope) so yes considered a born again soul fan I suppose there's a pigeon hole for everything now days but now I'm able to travel again its FANFECKINGTASTIC.
  4. Sam & Kitty - All Alone - C/U Not for a while this is 6 years ago
  5. I truly love the dance flow of this track & I think it will be massive this year, But it's just the words that I seem to dis-engage with. I'm not anti Christian then again I'm not celibate either (had the calling) but to me a true Romantic at heart (Fingers touching my tonsils) is this track too religious or is just me? I Say again I could dance all night to the hypnotic rhythm of this track.
  6. Upbeats - Lets Get Together (D & A 5001)
  7. Never heard this before does sound right for today. Thanks Adam Kirsty
  8. Great Track But heres an oddity Both PP100 Can't get the pictures to paste but Les Femmes - Closer - Power Pack is PP100 & Les Femmes - This I Swear is also Power Pack PP100 but slighly different takes on the Label Designs? Kirsty
  9. Interesting Read from a few years back discussing this track
  10. Like any other or most other terms can be adapted to describe love and emotion between man and woman,ie you got your love hit the the groove with her,,shes the one you want ,youre going to stay there you say to her "our love is in the pocket!".You dont want it to be anywhere else you want it remain right there in thee"Pocket".You dont want it to move anywhere else Because you and her are in that groove together,ie you are 100per cent compatible in all ways.. Oh!! Manus you little romantic
  11. WILLIE JOHNSON 5th from bottom right price too!! https://www.soulrecordsforsale.co.uk/acatalog/copy_of_F_-_J.html
  12. Think this says it all Merry Christmas Kirsty
  13. You can try Baz or Manship https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/d/107482/BENTON,_ART
  14. Bit like the following Aid Kirsty
  15. Love this TOTP dub version, makes Bruce Lee look like he's speaking perfect English in his early films
  16. Peter99, on 30 November 2012 - 10:37 PM, said: Well, Bob, that's fine and dandy by all accounts. But, lets be clear about this, one swallow does not make for a summer. I don't know what this means but it sounds dirty to my american ears Now Bob wash your mouth out with soap & water. Peter's Quote is a true British expression meaning One instance of an event (such as the arrival of a single bird) does not necessarily indicate a trend. Anyway it may rid you of the taste of salt
  17. Maybe wrong but I thought Prince Conley - Hard Times (Every Dog's Got His Day) was an unissued CD release only?
  18. I don’t think this recording truly captures the haunting ness this track emanates, beautiful played off vinyl though. Kirsty
  19. Mick, Maybe somebody knows something that we don't? https://www.northernsoul45s.co.uk/product_detail.asp?id=11308
  20. (Full Title) Tommy Navarro - I Love You So was Barry Grand - Anniversary Song (Karate 504)
  21. I've got to say I prefer the more uptempo Vashons Version But then again I do like the flip of Marvellos - Something's Burnin' as thats also upbeat but one mans is another mans something or other.
  22. How apt the title then, because I think the end goes together rather well with the harmonies & it took the other half a long time to aquire this wonderful track, it was on the wants list forever.
  23. Sadly he will be missed by all lovers of soul music truly was a class act RIP Lou
  24. I'm sure glad I re-opened this 2008 thread as there seems to be a great deal of learn-ed gentlemen blowing my mind with an array of information that I for one was certainly not aware of!! Thanks Guys
  25. This is one thats always interested me too, The credits on both sides are C Pipkins is that Chester & the Production was Pipkin-Wilson is Wishing well a Frank only track or am I a bit late with this has anyone dug deep I would dearly like to know? Also is it Pennsylvania release or just a mock up to hide the true artists as listed by Prophonics?

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