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Gold Band

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Everything posted by Gold Band

  1. It is poppy & very cheap now you've told me who it is. Got to give who ever sherwoodofrobin is the effort that must have gone into the label is great. Mind You sherwoodofrobin may be winstanley in disguise Thanks Kirsty
  2. Have a listen Kirsty
  3. Just Pass (On Loan) the carver to a DJ currently playing Pete, you'll soon know if there's any interest. suppose it will depend on which top jock you loan it too? Kirsty
  4. Traditions released their version in 1968 Art Released this version in 1970 & I don't know what year the Parisians released theirs?
  5. Tezza, Manships got a copy at £350 Think thats a tad over expect to pay £150 - £250 dependant on condition. https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/d/180721/BOWIE,_JOHN Kirsty
  6. A year ago to-day Mr Hampsey wrote a great article it's a little long (But Please read it) I think it needs another airing. There are a myriad of offshoots, born out of ‘Northern Soul’ (Crossover, Modern etc.) but we might classify the two main factions as the ‘Progressive Northern’ scene and the ‘Nostalgia Northern' scene. They are related but they are not the same. They’re probably cousins and certainly not twins. They have the same genes… but not the same jeans… lol. They are different. 1. ‘Progressive Northern’ The ‘Progressive Northern’ scene is frequented by folks who want to hear, play and discover tracks that are ‘new to them’. The crowd at these events want to ‘hear something different’ on a regular basis, to keep them stimulated and to ‘keep them coming back for more’ — ‘Just like it was in the old days’… seeking out the next big tune, being true to the ‘ethos’ and ‘Keeping The Faith’. The DJ’s on this ‘Progressive Northern’ scene tend to play new and more recent discoveries. They are as conscious of the 40+ year history as anyone else- they need to be, to ensure that what they are ‘breaking’ is truly ‘new’ or exclusive - but it is these DJ’s - and those who eagerly attend wherever they play - that keeps that particular scene going. They work hard at it, are dedicated, some might say fanatical about their chosen path. They constantly seek those elusive sounds (some of which actually become popular) and are generally the most passionate people you could ever wish to meet when it comes to talking about the music. And good luck to ‘em. If you or they have got the energy, mental capacity, knowledge, drive, enthusiasm, resources, lifestyle, contacts and (I hate to say it) finances it’s a noble and enjoyable pursuit. In this scene, and there are numerous exceptions, many discovered the music in the latter days of Wigan or sometime after it closed its doors. They found ‘Northern Soul’ at such places as Stafford, 100 Club, Rotherham, Bradford, Warrington, Keele and in later years Lifeline, Burnley etc. all venues with a culture of ‘progression’ coupled with something of a ‘siege mentality’ as defenders of a dying faith (remember when the black gloves came out again?). 2. ‘Nostalgia Northern’ The ‘Nostalgia Northern’ scene is a different animal. This particular scene is frequented by people who want to hear and play tracks that are familiar to them, to keep them stimulated and to ‘keep them coming back for more’ — ‘Just like it was in the old days’… reminiscing about their youth, being true to the old tunes and ‘Keeping The Faith’. They probably left the scene sometime before Wigan closed its doors, missed the 80’s and 90’s, spent the decades, between then and now, growing up, getting married, having kids, living and working to pay the mortgage, getting divorced, being made redundant, retraining for a new career, paying off the Mortgage, remarrying and then rediscovering their youth… at the working men’s club… at the bottom of the road, where on the weekend, they play a bit of ‘Northern Soul’. They don’t want, or need, to travel around the country each and every weekend in pursuit of the ‘next big thing’ or new discovery. Why should they? Those days are long gone for these folk. Northern Soul (as they always knew it) is right on the doorstep. In many Northern Clubs, the dominoes, bingo and ‘turn’ have been replaced by some chap with a box of records. And these old ‘sounds’ remind our typical male of his youth. He has a few Beers with his mates, he might even shake a leg to ‘Landslide’ or ‘Freddie Chavez’ — the wife likes it too — nowt wrong with a bit o’ Motown — and as he leaves he picks up a flyer for an upcoming Weekender. Fancy that our lass? Sunshine, Fish & Chips & Northern Soul? And the rest is ‘a life based on’ history or ‘instant nostalgia’ as Dave Withers once said! Nothing new there. Old folk have been looking in the rear-view mirror for thousands of years. But, unlike previous generations, these 50 or 60 something’s won’t have to rely on the British Legion, or grow old alone. Thank God. They can grow old disgracefully if they choose to, at the seaside, two or three times a year, or at any number of events across the north that might take their fancy; enjoying a beer or two, catching up with old faces and making new friends, to incredible music that takes them back a bit, keeps the pulse racing, raises a smile and keeps the heartbeat turned up! And good luck to ‘em. If they have ‘still’ got the energy, enthusiasm, resources, lifestyle and finances it’s a noble and enjoyable pursuit. And it sure beats crown green bowling! As it happens, the ‘Nostalgia Northern’ scene has taken to playing and enjoying more ‘post Wigan’ sounds in recent years. The NS Top 500 has recently been revised to reflect this. Not too very long ago ‘I’m So Happy’ and ‘Home Is Where The Heart Is’ were considered ‘Modern’ by many, whereas now some of these are considered passé, by those more ‘adventurous’ down at the club! Probably a separate thread entirely, but there's a lot more to this than can be explained in a simple post, on a thread, in a forum about whether a DJ should or shouldn’t risk clearing a dancefloor, by playing something out of the ordinary, but I do tend to think there’s also an element of demographic and regional differences (North and South) involved here. Up North there are literally tens of thousands of folk who went to Wigan, Samanthas and Cleggy... etc. Let’s face it; Northern Soul hasn’t been an ‘underground’ scene up here for nearly 40 years. That genie flew out of the lamp a very long time ago. Northern Soul was actually ‘a way of life’ for most young people, in the towns and villages of the north. They might not have all been hard-core nighter goers (although many of them certainly were) but your Postman, the village Bobby, the Butcher, the Landlord at the local all bought a copy of Tami Lynn ‘Run Away’ and the Tams ‘Hey Girl Don’t Bother Me’ in the early 70’s followed by a Judy Street, a copy of ‘Out On The Floor’ and a Mike Post Coalition during the Casino years! — I imagine it’s not quite like that south of Watford, where there have always been many alternative entertainment opportunities vying for attention and where ‘Northern Soul’ was and is still seen as an ‘exclusive’ club that has to be ‘travelled’ for. I know it’s probably a separate subject all on its own, but the reality is that the heritage (Nostalgia) side of things and the ‘legacy’ of the Northern Scene, at its absolute zenith in the 70’s, in the North of England, is still seen as one of the things that many Northerners feel quite proud of. And (even though many got busy doing other things, some 30 odd years ago) just like a prodigal son, it seems somehow more valuable to them now. Middle age brings greater lifestyle choice and ‘Northern Soul’ is something many want to celebrate and enjoy, free of someone else’s ‘rules’ and ‘pressures’, and they might just want to relive a bit of it all over again. One bloke I spoke to recently said that, since he retired, he and the Mrs now take all their holidays literally ‘on the scene’. There are enough weekenders throughout the year to be able to have 2-3 mini-breaks a year without having to leave the country (but for the more adventurous, there’s plenty going on abroad also). It’s inevitable that for my generation at least, the trip to Blackpool to ‘see the lights’ will have soon been completely eclipsed by the Northern Soul Weekender, which, in the main, tends to be a ‘Nostalgia Northern’ pursuit. I’ve seen you at venues all over the country Russ, over the years. Few people are as knowledgeable, dedicated and as passionate as you are. You have great taste for all things ‘soulful’ and you know and frequent the places I’m referring to that might be considered more ‘progressive’. I said at the start of the thread, I’ve made a bit of a career of clearing floors to ‘different’ records, but I’m more than happy to live and let live and recognise that not everyone is as up to their neck in ‘Soul’ as some of us might like to be. It’s a broad church and we shouldn’t be at all surprised that some people just want to have ‘fun’ to the soundtrack from the Gods; that is Soul music. Given these two separate scenes have common Grandparents, it’s important not to enter into a ‘family feud’ of sorts. We all have more in common with each other than we have differences and it’s therefore incongruous to disparage the family from either side. The ‘Progressive’ scene will just keep on ‘progressing’ just so long as those that are on it ‘want’ to do it. The ‘Nostalgia’ scene will also just keep on doing what it wants to do. Enjoying the music, the friendships and even creating new memories, in our twilight years. Often, people cross over from one ‘scene’ to ‘feed’ the other. At my time of life, I like to think I can enjoy it all, regardless, because the MUSIC is important to me and because (even though I might not want to hear it all the time) the Tomangoes, Jimmy Burns and Sam Williams sound every bit as good to me now as they did 40 years ago. Life is far too short, for Soul fans, or anyone else, to be perturbed by other people’s choices. We should perhaps be more pragmatic and embrace the differences. We’ll all be looking in the rear-view mirror before we know it! Sean by Sean Hampsey, 20 October 2012 - 04:44 PM.
  7. Thanks Sebastian, At first it was the Papa OOOhh that was throwing me & I had it in my head its was one of the something "walks" dance tracks but at least you've put me out of my misery
  8. What does the start of Mr Wise Guy remind you of? cause its buggin the life out of me. First 25 secs below.
  9. Could have got all your name on marc Kirsty
  10. Marc, Will Look forward to seeing it. Kirsty
  11. Wondered what the title cover was Marc? Kirsty
  12. Each to their own, Bit Boring Paul think Derek was talking a little more imaginatively creative piece of art Maybe using a more creative Label Design? Kirsty
  13. One track I'd love to hear Hattie Winston - "When the battle is over" heard from others it's a great track but I've also heard its a one off Acetate Steve, that i'll probably never hear unless someone can tell me who's playing it out Kirsty
  14. Steve, It might just be me but I would have thought only people that want to attend, will attend as that is what the said paying punters want who attend the venue. No issue as long as everyone enjoys themselves so I can't see how the scenes demise is going to be effected in anyway or is this just another (I Want It My Way) Kirsty
  15. Another artist looking for a copy of her own track need to see the article on youtube. Can someone let her know Manships got a copy for a tenner. https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/search/Label/Star-vue/all/1 By the way Kegsy I like Both Sides
  16. Couple of Decent tracks as usual, all can't be to everyones tastes nice to see Daves Products uncovered every now & then IL does show some soul taste for others to enjoy but reading some of the comments here I can see why he gets a tad miffed but as we all know when someone leaves the room someone will always make comments wether in jest or just being twofaced. Oh & I won't be going to London.
  17. Just listened to the words Tony & I stand corrected Kirsty
  18. I think that was "say it to my face" on Tyler Kirsty
  20. Did you ever get to the bottom of the list Chalky? Kirsty
  21. Maybe Flynny's got the answer to the Marvelettes Chalky https://anorakscorner.homestead.com/CoverUpsMP.html Kirsty
  22. LaBrenda Sang with the Beljeans chalky "LaBrenda Ben & The Beljeans - Chaperone" (Gordy 7009) 1962 was one of the tracks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDCzXACddoI
  23. Gents was the (Unissued) Martha & The Vandellas - "Mama Tell Me What To Do" found around the same time as the other tracks above, its not the same song as Cardella DeMilo - Mama Tell Me What To Do (Republic 2023) 1961 does anyone know around what year these where produced? Kirsty
  24. Can Any one tell me what the correct title is if the Irene & The Scotts Cover Up. was it "Any Girl In Love"? We Know it was the Marvelettes was it also an unissued motown sound? Kirsty
  25. oops wrong post Kirsty

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