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Gold Band

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Everything posted by Gold Band

  1. Nice Video here Kirsty
  2. Last three Guesses Doris Troy " I feel so good (Could Be) Intensions Little Harold & the Nomads " She's a bad girl (Could Be) Lee Moses Imperials " Baby it's not the same (Could Be) Anthony & The Imperials Hard to say without hearing a clip from a track? Kirsty
  3. Was Riley Hamilton the Checkmates Ltd then or am I just getting confused with all these cover ups Gents & Just putting 2+2 & getting 5 ?!?!!?!? Kirsty
  4. The Tonettes cover up that I know is Jackie And The Starlites
  5. Riley Hampton " I never should have lied (Was it Also Covered up as the Tonettes) as I only Know it by that cover up name Mickey Valvano & c.o.d's " I need you baby (Could It Be) Sir Guy & The Speller Bros Band & Was Willie Hatcher above Right? Kirsty
  6. Stanley Mitchell & Royal jokers " She did this and that is it Willie Hatcher (Thelma) Kirsty
  7. Ditto got to be the Promises for me too (Real Soul In Those Sisters) Kirsty
  8. Anyone got any info on this track? Kirsty Sally Wells - I Want You.mp3
  9. Ady, was there a name on the master tape or did you just make it up as it was an unknown artist & title? Kirsty
  10. Can anyone Id the label it's track 14 below https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/raresouthernsoul12 Cheers Kirsty
  11. some unknown reason the soulsource page won't load as below Liberation - Winsford 18.8.2001 It was my first trip to Winsford and one I had been looking forward to immensely since the beginning of the year as I promised myself that Id pay it a visit. My main reason for visiting was to establish if the recent rave reviews about the modern room, titled Liberation, were substantiated. After a lengthy but trouble free drive from Chatham, I checked into a b&b, got changed and arrived at the warm-up at The Queens pub at 9.15. It was not very busy at that time and northern soul was blaring out to get people in the mood. Said hello to Roger Williams who was, I suppose, warming himself up for the long night ahead. Also had a chat with a few others until a minibus full of the Soul Down South crew with Terry Jones arrived at about 10.30 and seemed to take over the place. They missed the brief modern spot and was back to northern. I enjoyed The Queens - the music was good, it wasnt too busy and it was a good opportunity to have a few pints and a laugh before the allnighter. Over to the allnighter. Poked my head in the northern room. its huge - sound system is good playing Terry Callier and John Bowie. Oh no - its gone silent; technical hitch so Im off into the modern room. Theirry Boulanger, over from Belgium for the weekend, is playing Sunshine Anderson. My wife walks straight into the room and onto the dancefloor. In fact, quite a lot of people are dancing, and its only 11.15.The modern room is a nice small square shape. There are big potted plants and nice comfortable seats set in an almost complete rectangle shape in two corners creating a lounge bar type of environment but there was no lounging going on. The DJ and decks are on the ground, not elevated which all goes to create a intimate party atmosphere.The music was very good ranging from 70s to brand new, rare to very easy to find but the emphasis is on good modern danceable soul music. Roger Williams and Terry Jones played their sets back to back for what seemed a marathon three hours because the music was so good. Ive listed Rogers set below and Terry played lots of different things from Vivian Reedto the new Ollie Woodson cut due out on Expansion soon. Tony Dawber also played a very good set of recent big tunes including Bob Sinclair, Darwin Hobbs, Freddie Jackson and Cynthia Biggs/Sharon Bryant. The occasional tune did not do it for me but I think thats to be expected for an allnighter lasting nine hours. There was one 30 minute stint where the music was a bit eclectic for my taste but overall 95% did do it for me and thats an excellent hit rate.
  12. Has the Tribute song really been played out for 15 years Found this winford soul list read the top playing in the modern room, I enjoy dancing but if I want to go to a rave & take E's i'll go to megascruff thanks.
  13. Obviously the Winsford 4th Anniversary is a second press of the actual first press of the bootleg So there's your answer in proper inglish innnit boys Kirsty
  14. I thought I would put the now playing on my Ipod songs its for ever changing Northern, Modern, RNB, unissued suppose its my top current mostly underground 600 as my small ipod dosen't hold that many so its changed over the 2015 period apart from the odd songs that I can't let go & still like to hear on a regular basis. Kirsty TOP 600 PLAYING ON IPOD.txt
  15. Got the full version of the Pegg Byers Acetate thanks
  16. Well it seems that the Utopias, Elgians, Parisians & the later the Duprees all recorded at the Hertz Studios But who has the ears to match any of these to the acetate if it is one of these? Kirsty
  17. Sammy on here put a podcast up & played the following on it Unknown - Heartbreak (Karriem Production Acetate) third from the end I'm assuming it was the one below can we try to put a name to it? untitled acetate.bmp unknown.mp3
  18. The thought of wearing a beard to go shopping doesn't seem to bode well with me, but as monty python once said my names Brian too. Anyway my husband may not like it or would he All the Best KIRSTY !!!!!!!
  19. Thanks Joan much appreciated Kirsty
  20. Can somebody please name this track for me? 1.mp3 Thanks Kirsty
  21. Ricky, I've found the show but it ends before Pegg Byers - I wish You a World of happiness I wanted to know if anyone had got the whole podcast or a link or an MP3 of the acetate they could pm me? show below only 1 hour 4 minutes long so it misses Pegg Byers https://beatsplayer.com/mixbeat/feloniousmunk/kenny-burrell-guests-on-radiomagnetic-on-reflections-on-northern-soul-november-2003
  22. Finally found a podcast of the above show but it finishes 1 Hour 4 minutes in it misses the most important track for me which is Pegg Byers - I wish you a world of happiness has anyone got the full podcast that they could put up or send me? Yes I know it's the one with Mr Frank Wilson - Indeed I do Thanks in advance Kirsty
  23. Got to say Simon I do Like the Flip Breakaway Kirsty

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