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Gold Band

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Everything posted by Gold Band

  1. No that was Queen Street Baths Still a pool for swimming, no allnighters anymore sadly, Also was at the the assembly rooms Derby in 79' was vodka in my water bottle that did me but I do remember being asked if wanted ought from the smartie bag sadly the assembly rooms has had a fire since & the council want to turn it into a mosque like building? Kirsty
  2. Could you put a Playlist up Cris? Kirsty
  3. Eee Paul you'll need that Lamp once you get past the M25 ring road as all the lights go out after that as is grim up North, as you Plastic Southerners like ta keep tellin us & Pete's too busy wit train sets to go Deejing. Weel aft ta make do wi tha DJ's we ave up ere. Kirsty
  4. Has Ady ever released The Demures - I Wanna Be Good To You Track or are we all still waiting? Kirsty
  5. My Tenpence, Timmy & The Persionettes - Got No Time Tommy Mosley - Echoes In The Night Tommy Hunt - The Pretty Part Of You Relatives - A Change Of Heart Perfections - I Just Can't Leave You Nella Dodds - First Date Marvin Gaye - Must Be Quite A Show Louise Whitney - Gotta Keep On Labrenda Ben - Do You Know What I'm Talkin' About Joe Adams - That's Not Half Bad Jesse Cowan - This Man Wants You Derek Martin - Flashback Avons - When the Boy That You Love (Is Loving You)
  6. Robb, All I Have Left are Memories - Sammy Turner & Serenaders, I have that listed as the Fascinations. Was it one of the Jobete Acetates you never bought? Kirsty
  7. Not heard this one Mick any Cd info? or acetate Only Kirsty
  8. Cheers Alan Kirsty
  9. Anyone know the Group, artist? Cheers Kirsty Gypsy Woman.mp3
  10. Cheers Simon Kirsty
  11. Can someone put me out of my misery? Kirsty unknown 1.mp3
  12. Here's half the Zeal - Don'tcha Know track Kirsty Zeal - Don'tcha Know (Potential 1090) 1982 (Half).mp3
  13. I thought Banger just meant great, top, terrific etc As in a Banging good sound, but then again it might be just a midlands term not to offend the Scots obviously Kirsty
  14. Heres a minute for those who haven't heard it Kirsty Combination Inc - Adam & Eve (Stacey 2616) 2.mp3
  15. Love the Flip to this Roburt, Adam & Eve, Can't find a clip to put up tho, pity as it's a great track. Kirsty
  16. Had to Laugh Not the Best Sales Pitch For A Record, Didn't Think The Track Was That Bad Kirsty https://www.ebay.com/itm/THE-NEW-DAWN-loser-if-i-cant-have-BLUE-EYED-SOUL-PROMO-45-MAINSTREAM-66-/182075989283?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D35389%26meid%3D723c7c83c2dc4a0380630cb3b072d9bc%26pid%3D100012%26rk%3D8%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D222001544000&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=nMnOGIXGnsP%2Be%2Bnv2BjOrzA1cgk%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc new dawn.doc
  17. Sorry Dave but I was one of them nuisance Kids not from down south tho, from middle England a little place called Derby or Derr-by as some would say. You would have to ask him in doors about me having my Pennies Worth as he usually tells me to stop sticking me oar in moaning old get Kirsty
  18. Well Dave You sound almost as confused as Phil from that there Preston SOULIES I Repeat SOULIES was used by them on the main drag just down the hill from the casino to shout obscenities at us SOULIES but I do agree about the skinhead reggae it was just reggae to me & my mates so no need to add the word skinhead its almost as bad as the ad with the skinhead & the Asian Lady on the see-saw to advertise that people should stay in the EU. there you go my PENNIES WORTH or does someone find that offensive, oh by the way LOL is my pet hate Kirsty
  19. No I know it says the Sparkles on the label but it was originally covered up as the Sprinkles don't ask me why Kirsty
  20. It was definitely the Sprinkles - New Jersey Connection I wrote it down at the time Kirsty
  21. Pity the Freddy Solomon version has never been issued on 45 one of my favourites Kirsty
  22. As Above but its on Blue Dolphin 212 From 1979 Hard track to find Kouki Kirsty
  23. 47,000 songs by my calculations if you could stay awake 24 hours a day for 98 days you could hear them all Thinksmart?????????????????????? Kirsty
  24. Is It This Jazz, According to John A its an old Rocky Roberts Cover Up Kirsty

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